Wash. 18th May 1837 My dear Squire Your choice effusions are always before me. Do not think that any delay in my responses proceed from forgetfulness. I abhor the sight of pen and paper and to put one to the other reqyuires as great a moral effort as for a cat to walk on live coals. I send the documents as you request. Your remembrances have all been scattered in the direction prescribed and are relied to in the warmest manner. You are aware that the Genl & Miss Tub(?) are in St. Louis and that I expect to start for the same place on his return_ ­Who is to be my fortunate successor I do not know nor have I inquired. I only know that I am to go. Miss Matilda Bache is to be here this Nv(?) to her brother George's wedding, who is to be married on Tuesday next to Miss Patterson -I am to engage a little in that kind of business tonight myself and am to witness the tying of the knot between Dr King of the Army and Miss Vga Price of Alexd -Miss Rippy they say is mortgaged to a young French Count-, Mrs __?__ of the F. Leg-. He seems to be a clever and interestesting young man -and if she is satisified I am, you should young man have done wrong to be thus cut out. -Miss Lizzy B. I almost see daily cultivating her flowers. You perhaps know that we have vacated our old qrs. and hang out our sign over the Cabinet Shop. So that we now take Miss Lizzy in flank -Read the papers my friend and you will see all the news -Remember me to Mason, the Col TC ­Your man Morellius in Carolina is going to resign. In all haste Your friend R E Lee Address On reverse: LT R. E. Lee Corps of Engrs Washington May 18, 1837 Cullum Va