Washington College VA: 12 Sept 1870 Revd & Dear Sirs The exercises of the College will be resumed on the 15t Inst: & it is the desire of the Faculty that students should at once become acquainted with the ministers of the different churches in town; be invited to attend their regular services & admitted to their Bible classes & all the religious instruction that their time & opportunities may permit them to give; you are therefore invited to join the Faculty at the College Chapel at 9 O'Clock on thursday mng for this purpose. It is also the wish of the Faculty that you continue as you have heretofore kindly done, to conduct the daily prayers in the Chapel, & that you arrange among yourselves as may best suit your convenience the periods that each will conduct them, beginning on the 15t & terminating at the end of the session, the 4t thursday in June. The Faculty recognize with gratitude the happy influence of your former daily & weekly series (page 2) and the benefit of your kindly intercourse with the students of the College, & thank you most seriously for your cordial cooperation with them in their efforts to elevate the moral & religious standard of the Institution, & to inculcate in the minds of the students the principles of true piety ­ With great respect & regard your obtservt R E Lee Revd Wm N. Pendleton " J. W. Pratt " J. Wm Jones " J. Randolph Finley