San Antonio, Texas 25 Aug 1857 Sir Understanding that Capt John M. Jones of the 7th Regt: of Infty is an applicant for an appointment of Paymaster in the Army. I take pleasure in stating that while on service at the U.S. Mil: Academy as 1st A§st Instructor of Inf'y tactics, he en­joyed the reputation of being one of the best officers at the Academy, & that during the tllne of his service that I was superin­tendent of the Academy, no officer performed his duty more effec­tively, zealously, or faithfully than himself. He was as well ac­quainted with other duties appertaining to his profession, as he was skilled in his military exercises, & he performed his duty in _ every respect to my entire satisfaction. I have served with him but once since I came to Texas, he having been Judge advocate of a Genl Ct Martial last spring, of which I was the President, when his conduct equally en­titled him to my admiration & esteem. Very respt your obt. Servt. R. E.L~ Bt Col ~ Col S. Cooper Lt Col @ Cavty Adjt Genl U.S. Army.