OCR::/Vol_031/WLURG39_RTP_19271015/WLURG39_RTP_19271015_001.2.txt i between 132 and 140, Watch The Generals BY Till? STUDENTS, FOR THE UNIVERSITY. Crash The Conference CVOLHME XXXI G FROSH ELEVEl\l Bows TO v. P. 1. BY 1836 SCORE Thihodeau and Faulkner Display Flashy Attack to Keep Little Generals In Running Yesterday the Little Generals were defeated in their initial start on the gridiron by V. P. I. by the score of 18 to G. Dui'ing the first half the Coaches had the adavantage making thirteen first downs to the local’s two. The fresh came back strong in the! second half scoring nine first downs to the visitors seven. Washington and Lee kicked off and; the Gobblets marched right down the i field for their first touchdown. After that the Little Generals kept the Cadets out of their territory for the rest of the half, the ball being on the 45 yard line in V. P. I.’s possession at the end of the first half. At the beginning of the second half it looked as if coach Davis had put a new team on the field. The Little Generals received a series of line buck and two long passes carried the ball t othe visitors’ five yard line. Thi- badeau and Faulkner carrying the ball for most of the Little Generals’ gains. A pass was then completed which would have meant a touchdown for the losers but was called back The ball having been caught beyond the end zone. V. P. I. punted out of danger and following a number of line plays put over their second touchdown but missed the extra point. In the last quarter the Blue and White put over their only marker, Faulkner carrying the ball over. The score was then 12 to 6 in favor of the Cadets. The victors then came back strong to score again which brought their total to 18. Thibadeau was appointed captain of the Little Generals before ‘the Snmmary an(l Line-Up: Williams ,,,,,,,,,, .,L.E. ,,,,,,,,,,, ._ Tiller ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ..L.T.. . . Corpening ,,,,,,,, ..L.G...._... .. .. Groop ............ .. Winner Clark ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ..R.G. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .. Jones Devine ______________ _.R.T _________________ .. Green 1 Crenshaw ,,,, ..R.E ,,,,,,,,, .. Pendleton Brundage ........ ._Qd ............... __ Harper Faulkner ' . Wood acobs Oliver Booker . Ritter Score by periods: 6—18 —6 2 3 6 0 6 . 0 0 0 V. P. I. Frosh W. & L. Frosh »—~o Tests Say F rosh Here Are Mental Equals Of University Founders George Washington, first president of the United States, and Robert E. Lee, leader of the Confederacy, would find their equals in the freshman class of Washington and Lee, the school both of them helped to foster, 1 according to results from the fresh- men intelligence tests, conducted by Dr. Brown. Estimates show that the inelligence rating of President Washington was while General Lee’s was 130. Members of the fresh- men class whose rating approaches 130 are not uncommon,’ according to Dr. Brown. “The purpose of the intelligence tests,” he explained, “is to work to- ward turning out the greatest num- ber of useful men with the means and material we have before us.” A problem which meets college ad- ministrators is the one of treating the bright students who get into trouble over misbehavior, or failing in their studies through lack of ap- plication. “No man should be sent home with- out being thoroughly studied by a psychological clinic,” said Dr. Brown, “Many of the causes for failure of a bright student are due to forces we can overcome if we know them.” 7__()__: 11 F rosh Violate V. C. Regulations Last Tuesday night 11 Freshmen visited the weekly meeting of the V. C. This meeting was the best at- tended of any held so far this season. The chief charge lodged against the freshmen was that of not speaking to upper classmen. Another charge brought against one of the new men was that he was caught roller skating down Main street without the neces- sary protection of either coat or cap. find fields emic philosophizing or :=:*<:‘: L ' ship.” ment that a l’(‘ll21i‘li’ :7‘ _ has reported that Pi'otesL1i:l in America are the rate of .’300,(l(){) a j»'eai'. reminded,” lamentable clergymen. more and they yet lack the grace \\Vi‘,"i wliic accept a scientific era zind do to aid man in ' benefits from his the clouds l‘l.1llllll&lilll;’.‘ < after with i'eti'il7u1.iiivc while nicn livi:ig lin- nceded and deserved inix lizv pathetic attention, ship of the pulpit in sinh .—, .- vivisectioii, birth control and capital punishments '.’—-A. P. Auburn Is iiin ter known as Auburn. i: ofa junior, and sopln>i‘iior<- and bolshevism” would out at Auburn two we<-l<.~: not been for fluence. t were at the lowest <-lib in li}.:1= = ‘ cause of the lack of :'ooi'.'li tween Dr. Dowell ‘.1 body. Judge i Court of Appe-ills, pi'esitl<‘ii<. alumni ditions are political p1‘()}):i}.";1!l(i8. :-and I ‘ ‘ foundation. last week with the faculty. team has the lowest l'tLi_':!I};‘. ;* ent, of any team in the .‘~1outlic1.- ference. threatened alumni Assailling the :_i‘.,ti?'ti‘i:'*.' and oi ~ olina student T11li‘:liL‘21ii{‘.I‘i. ministers of (loirig too iiiiirh i'i‘:2-ir.:—'3 . in “acadeniiv pl‘iilv.».-'op‘z‘.ircing cial ceiisership." Under the liezitliiwj “"~V"» er Heads >_l;".". Slii>i‘il‘:‘ E'.e_..r article says: “If there exalted chu*~'-‘ l\\‘ 1 n,i'i'ic . él. ii :\,' v-rori ‘::v 11‘: {‘l‘t‘ The articl: opens an"-'l. losing‘ iiiei" .1ll'i‘i(‘l<‘. says th<~ om‘ shoi'tcoiniii;r Conipel‘.-:-d ‘.1 more to inodervi 21in on ,0‘ _; it E i.iil.i’Lr A . i ii<»L1:’.=‘l~ .. :_[«,.. t:»,s‘—: if t‘,1i‘7 “Churchinen have V\.'l.;>,£ 0- - Of Stiiderit if Against Alabama Polytechinc Iil‘.~‘l.i‘FZLl'L('. ‘us in th/ rebellon L‘:§‘,'2t‘715‘-i. student president and 2i."'“4!.».9.'.~‘.‘:‘ _~:.'.-1.:-:_;:;_ .--.24 L':.‘:.‘ xii 1'21‘-ii) LEE UNIVERSITY, SATURDA,Y OCT. 15, 1927 , in, Q3 Luiim) 7"‘ irlbi ii’ Tltrui lie- in- .~wa.ii;.I, l‘('_K_{‘l.~'l.4‘l'(*(l at a survey she‘-.v:-1 li~. e in I ‘ ll U} wit:-' duriiig 'i"}‘n* i'i'zitei’-- :;\‘l i1tl’1?,'(‘:‘»i -‘ ll! liit‘ There are .' ‘-i 1:; :?.tl1(i,\' i‘ies ilsiiiiig hall claims the t=;y'rii has three the honor of a lone i..:~e no" man who does The ad- i;‘.\\' s-chool. _ iiU(’ll2v. "Vista lays claim {L-nts iieiwz .., fin... :1‘ the rooining % 1:1-<1 year and this hzis been a ‘E 93' tlio:-;.~ ;‘i'I.>11]Jf>‘. the greatest occupaiits Tl1L‘l':' .‘ 31‘ ii! j)i‘i~ rind 4.) J» ‘ iiiore naps they . Mn oi" roon‘.iiig- pi. tixl in iii the continous l.~.niall<-.i' “pops” within i/ii”;-'Ti1}’ of W. 63* L. Men l , /i.eaiies School To , Si’:ori'n, Princeton Approxiiiiatcly 20 per cent of the l‘i't winter qiiarters 'I‘hiii*s(lay and i‘ri(lny l'or the amiuzil assatilt agaiiist ‘ho l.1UiW'.'.1i‘ix'S of Priineton and New i_i'l'.‘ old cainp ground to hold the i~‘;Lci~ intact .‘.1.'1(l watch the gridgraph ‘ ‘A... it‘ The tin iizzie in'ig2itliiii;1j v ':to no ‘ ' re (_7hi'istnias. lo put the niatclieia witli will take iielta 7.‘.‘.1‘:i(‘l‘ way :1 1"«_-w days ' . ‘. héiginzi . <= *1,/_'ii'i ple.‘L".>l1(l semester ziecisioii made , less In nieiiioers of the; i The nomiiiec for soplioinoijo pres- ident was expelled froin school two‘ (i«.‘._\'S before the election, while 'thc5 nominee for treasurer never eiite-r- .:l the univeisity. , Check of univ<-rsity credits of all candidates ‘revealed that a iiominee for senior ti'easui'ei' was not a mem- iter of the senior for ,iunior pr<~:-'ill 2111‘ Lexington of students ‘ l taiice from Loxiiigtoii. has the largest 11Lll1’il‘.:‘l‘ in the [,'iiiv:~i’sit_\' this yuzii‘, but Noni-‘ pliis, Twiiir,-ssee and Vvzlfilllllgftrill, D., (I, follow closely. The following tablei shows the nuniber of students froin; cities in thc country in the order ofi the size of their group: Lcxiiigton Memphis Washington New York . Louisville Pirmingham . Portsmouth . 133 toanoke .. .. 13 Lynchburg . . ............ __ 12 25i .. _21} 191 _17‘, .16 .15 iotal gai'i'is<>n of ‘vVasliiiigtoii and Lee "ork l~’_‘:~t\’ll1" a lion-ful battalion on‘ ; §s struggling ‘ much NO. 8 . iflliillilfii 3 W lilli 13-0 ”'ci‘:~: Prove Themselves One of Best Elevens In East In Vic- §Fl&!i,1iY(l{i)’; Passes and Heavy Backs Tally Through W. . . Defense; Fitzpatrick, Tips, Stearns, Wittmer, and Baruch ‘ in E-7«aturday’s Battle. W:ishiiigt<>n and Lee met with a 13 to 0 defeat at the hands of Pi'i:ice‘toii this af‘.;ernoon at Palmer stadium in a classic witnessed by d. ;rowd of over 22, 000 spectators. A march down the field in tlie first iive minutes of play following an exchange of punts, and another at the start of the second half, both resulting in touch- <‘:owii.~=., was the margin of victory in one of the hardest fought _:rm:ne.-2 ever witnessed in the Princeton stadium. The Generals, led by Captain Tips, put up a courageous fight agzxiint. the ea.=:tei'n champions, but the weight advantage and reserve strength of the latter proved a deciding factor. Coach iit?l‘l"()l1’ts‘ cliarges were outweighed ten pounds to the man, but 11€‘,‘v(’i’ lacked in spirit and determination. Several times when the Tigers were in a contending position the Blue and White defense stiifened and took the ball on downs. The playing of Captain Tips, of the Generals, was one of the out- standing features of the game. Gains thru him were rare, and time and gain. the Blue and White captain broke thru to bring liis: lrltlll down behind the line of scrimmage for a loss. The play- ing of Spotts and Fitzpatrick, in the line, and of Stearns and Lott, in the backfield also drew much favorable comment from 1‘{t's‘.l.Gl‘Yl authorities. ‘-.\'iti':iei' aiid Baruch were the big tlireais of the Princeton eleven and acrr>u:itr~~‘.1,2lte-:l in consid<‘i'able gains for both ts~am~:. The Generals :li,l(*lllptl."(l 16 for- ward and completd (3 while ed ilio view that it was one of strong- Old l\'assau eleven attempted t‘-.‘.0lltj' and completed ten of them. One of these passes resulted in a ‘ioLi<=lil1 is considered to have the .:ii:stainliiig team of the East this yzjar and several authorities express- ulthe vie wthat it was one of strong- (‘mt {‘l(!\'(‘l‘.S ever turned out at the in- :er oi’ the Freshman class be- came an enterprising business man Fiiday. Carryiiig 30 students, the bus left Lexington yesterday after- noon for all all-night drive to Prince- ‘ ton. in soliciting students for the trip, someone. connected with the enter- prise unknowingly approached one of the Ceiierals’ stars (“Babe” Spotts), and attempted to persuade him to make the trip to Princeton with the bus. Soon after the game, the students making the trip with Hopewill will go on to New York City for the night. They will leave there some time Sun- day afternooii in order to reach Lex- ington in time for school Monday. Local Post Office May Be Altered Soon Changes in the Post Office builid- ing here are now under consideration. Although nothing definite has been decided it is generally conceived by those who are to make the changes that the money-order and C. O. D. departments will be remodeled so that the section of the main room to the left of the door at the main en- trance will be taken up as working space for the employees. This will take up a little of the pub- lic lobby but will add to th eroom for working and aid in the efficiency of the post office work. There will possibly be an adddition built to the building, but if this is done, it will not be started within , the next two years. OCR::/Vol_031/WLURG39_RTP_19271015/WLURG39_RTP_19271015_002.2.txt I’AGE TVVO V ‘ THE RING-TUM PHI V '3 {T Y I ~ r.:.¢.~.».»,,..,,..,.. I . - - -. , . ——---~~.—---—~ -~---- ~~~~--V '- " " " ht2lv.~w-Hy*.4.~vn -N.» ..4 ' '- 1 ~*'~'»~('9«l'?'l-BI-0+3 Jpn‘ »f)l~ll:'A‘;t'I1Iuii‘1I<'l‘ mr .;.';;::\=2»:,'\1,1.\';\.: 'l\-le1>lmnw.~: l-):liv.m'—.in-«'l'.ElI’, Luv 5: .()’/Z Lztnunxaaxw >. 's'rnuv-.»'.;'.,uc:=x.'..xx ;;-v:«;:.. at 1' >3“: 5v'P'l’>§Y§'}¥‘€g}}IIgR.l{.;_1'l~J,6li_i;l‘;,:i§$' ' 3; ~: — . . . . . . . . . . . _ l-:m».~iu..<'rmr; ng.G1LMf(‘)inr." ~ _ ‘ v; > "v ‘ . - ’ ~ , ' £.',.i.’ .. All.‘ ~.mntLurs ml‘, l\[1ainess‘~ slmulxl be I/lllnlI'L‘Ss(‘l la» tin l3=.z. " . _\ 3;]%ou‘,L(‘l L-,-'>_r/n;:,'v§o,>gtxvl:_u l*}\li).<.‘\z'1‘j.;.1:-(?l1i(,ff. V\{5': are. :1.lV\IIz1ys, :L’l:ul t(1 1mhl1::h any x-nmx: ‘::.x:-:l‘n~n' tram. um; in‘ ' fined (:(>r’rb.~:~.>on'xlx-nz-e will '!>:> 1)U'UllSllz'(L . v I . , “”i'=i:TiZii'1L§’"i‘1i"in01'e:i .s’Zi7 . :« W ""7'1' "' ’ radition at “/T‘c‘L&%llll3.‘—’§l.()ll .‘ L 7 over an opposing football eleven, has "*2<:e1‘; Lzxi. E" ‘jb“’ljthe1&iei¢Nc1a‘.§s ‘fif1f"~.:lz1nen, »;e11i’i%m>nt a1rn02';;;‘ ‘the old men on: ; .l.. L ., ;tjhe campus indicates. A ‘ v“‘VVhile‘thei*ei is‘n0{I':‘_, ;:.1’1'.l (mag: vxliien i the intention -‘_I}m«:"«"= '. ., .. . stu5dent.—b0c1y‘;A e7;ec;ut1_\'e CUZI’ll11l.t£,::C, uetiiig tl1r0ng;h the wxfveshmanfcoulnoil anclzthe Lngpci* Clea: men, to e01'1'<‘:ct the next, ‘ Eng i;:C1/‘OTC the encli “ “s“t1me‘it pcclirs, is ‘theccln ::1en::ena.enz rm I “H, . — v * -;, 1,; V ,H_Qf thelgggme. lit-;i,sv.i3’;1,}>§):s‘A—-sib‘;e 1.‘; ’e}>;};'l‘::iD L113 a(:’.,ien ii)-gieully on the basis 01' 0vepzealou:-tness, :3.n:é iii;-‘ em vs ::..»>.n <=:‘r.i;' be i'ot111(l in the I _if("é1‘ét"’thi‘Lti’fi*eshn‘ien arc‘ 1ii1‘.i'illiia,g tr: 1'eniain in line for 2; !m 4 minutes be£01*evg,’etti.ng: to the rope, there-x"l~:.r2a:l<::*:: ;u1s;i all old ‘men _ _ a‘E.‘th‘e game should 11-Mke it then’ <1’-r;‘i./3,‘ 1:4; :-wee iiihzzl, .-10 i'i'e;~:,l1m.*:/1 ‘V _ j _‘ V I ‘but watqéh haw Ofiwr Sm hyierg the Sqzlllils befoiiejtlie end of the g.:‘21,1)1c, .;?:,;'n,l if they are .2m'2‘.3‘e . r 2. ' _ V , F W ’ , ‘ I ' _ . * , _ V . _ ‘ . V L . . . -4 .- are changmg Es; zC.aes.*Zerfiela., inlet any men. I“1flg“’lYlg"~t‘l’l-’Cvb€ll oelme the ;..;;une 1:1 over uni; v ":"they‘ha\feVliaAcl a1i1_ple time to get from ‘xi ' College, they _sh0uln, except ’iii_lthe'cfas'e efithe d,el’e;1t bi «Li l;i;;j(:r <;ppon:::-it, ;”o:' the for l10U.l'.*% a;l‘i_e: ihg; close oi ills; _sg2.;n1<‘:, :.m{i .,U;Sl,l(‘}_jl;l,;,C(:)I1:€ltlC'C-lta‘ clearly at .V;n‘iz1:1ce with the intenti«f>11 of the I 4.)] customand thoserinlcha1‘gexoi' its eiitoicenaeiit. ~‘("""‘ff"‘,I;le't”evei‘y 'rn2t1i"\?.‘o1jth§,' of 1:}:-:2 <1: 2;; IE1‘ i,l‘.2‘()i,‘:;,§i'l the “V::"’é4lfl‘l,(lI‘(‘C”V'l7g““‘§il;’I_YJ‘Cl‘:,‘;21Y1(*l‘£iff91" the final . ° le l)l()‘.l‘~, let him go to ;f‘!"I7§7é3,_s5li;ingtQn‘Cellege,va,nd there 2m':>u..ut his i."a21‘11 ":0 tug at rope ,,_,{,yVh41g;l1 swings.‘thehellwliieli rings out the titi2i’ig‘s of \'icto2‘y over _ , __ ’ :,'zi‘;Iu€XlIIT}’.Ii»Ui1‘x3fl(,lI'W-1‘?‘ " E Next. Boar To Lyric Theatre Phone 146 Lexiniiton, V21. 3 = ‘ ‘Z/7"‘3EElfii»§7ni§.-gj I I . _.§.<)l7 um! "3.-"ice "»y'er.~421 “*5 i‘;;v ii)‘/llfii F. V«.',x':';ai:~:;; W-*"' . I ERWEN 3; co., Inc. EQUEPMENT UNEXCELLED "l';l‘ .::.' . 1 T ,. . -,l,i x1The'fS()QIQty Ex‘li1';(n' was‘ ill am‘. the whe-211;, ‘ 5, ‘ ‘- ‘ ‘ l Eva-yming In L;police/{ijoportci-I.was- aseigzned tn h“ ; "I s -mu’ (,;q3(}])g & (;1{0CER1E5 //j.€ll3‘.3’l{:f01‘_ the (lay. ,This.'wus liis lead: Specialists In ’:1 v ~‘, ~;“I‘ Vt’ ' ,:C ‘l” ' - . 2-1.’ , , l, V H _ .‘u_;‘1\1;z:]‘,:(.dfU.},l‘[,).aS‘[!f,C;ety HLJA LI 1") , SERVICE & PRICE . mm‘ ‘ Miss};-(lets Life. Tl-‘1r= Il('.“Ix \\‘:~<‘lv; it ‘.'\:!.:J the ;mli<:v " ~ i “Miss Alice Brown, daughter of re— p'.;1’»iM' ‘whn V.‘ . . :1nl‘e.R1glge,Avenue parents, and :=:Ii::;u 1': km ~:‘ ’; ~: ‘-limont I‘:2_.' ‘-_ ¢2]{‘§:9‘aP 3-R -. ,H.a11‘(>l(l Smith, , I10to1‘i<;uss I’1'im.'e‘teut-~tma'n, we-1:» ; ' .~ :1: r I YOU KNOW ONLY Wgiyen’ 2;. life sentenge in theRev. Mr. V 5” MUCH AS YOU Jgiseii McD<5u;:a,ll’s court lasi:.eV<;ning ~ 5‘: 'I':3".§-“£1>~l?<\ 5‘V3‘f€.‘Dx>1"L10I1 if! thf' Mezzanlne Floor la L” H Chf11‘ge§ g1'0,Wing out Of 3. long 'I3Il~ I ,".1!I‘.’(‘;l12'-?,' :!1f!3!'lTl2‘.I 1‘:-t;x1ir'b- 'f"u lliglazgelfilgntl I * ‘ , ~ ». ' ‘ ‘ wot. W n]l‘}\:Z~‘ :\1"n‘-V’ »lr(‘1il;l<3:~::~l«:n1z:« leu(1.:-1'. :1 row n1imm,:,- of your time. Prof. M. V. At- .‘ i V V - V « »« ‘‘> ‘'-.‘,'> 1‘ '.v.}‘l”.' "'- Capture t0(‘].‘l/:)‘yl"7 afgp Mr‘ bnnth; it 15‘ ‘V35 at h(>‘)nl‘) L0 h{1 nnnl‘-V" lllltllliil Of <\’\llliljllhflliiilinilillftilfll(II}:' I1;lIlt(l)I‘f)tE”I31::l:::l0£I($Zifii— Ileta 3 l‘\“"' . ‘.~ ~ .. . - _‘, , ,, , .., 11‘ asso/1-ted, had been held without bondq [he V -;:'\{ , (A, y‘1Cnf 111 nm. l):.us niexnbers ~f>I1~' <2. N V» 51‘ mg im;n'o:1‘I.‘pfL1 ill: l~,:~'<-111Ui.>: illivllillllxill/l’i‘1:l:1l35.ri§llT,§ ‘:»'lli:>lxt1 liiliif’ gillliii Help Y 011 Selefiit .. .. _ . .4 . "Il'I 3 T701109’-" ' ' " 11 last, <-\'enin§l" , will he tlw 1>riu~. }-‘3..”” 7 '\f “. 1 I :1 ~C“’ihe» atfair sta’,;1x»;' { [51,-_.{],(l‘\~,;.> Mc__ ‘ “'<’:‘hl11“Ch'0f Whiehthe det'e1n1ant_\';as a 3 3' K -.I'zi<'l-; (llig'h—‘ . ll Nm=;— :1: nun». Um‘ reviu\ver has suirl: 'l‘(‘).\S’l‘§",Z) L5;tl\ll)\VI(3IIlSS IPISLIVEREI) AT ALL HOURS ‘ V I v‘Vl1~n l):m1,e went in Hull he must havfl ' The‘ ‘V45 lielllwis‘ -: A “U I l‘ 'I"'§‘l“‘*<)7n:“ ' ,:‘u'«"z‘-wl vlvztr nf the roasting: um>:1rutu ‘bfi‘t0d:b'y‘a‘n in]‘p‘6'-Sing. ai.-I.‘aV Counsel ., 7 H» :“ Yl'Zll;Ain\'|I for Ur S5l‘1l2l.l)l‘:ll"l to intvn-.~:tn , ‘ " ‘ ztml (‘<-1:r‘s(mn-ly xlL‘:;c1‘!lw the natlmr r(*1:1ons." ‘IJ(‘21flUC al‘l(l \V£lS I > ' , flwr ‘.i,é>H0.(%(‘, " ‘ him: .»’\.Nl) m«:nAL1>, Johnstm City, N. Y. Phflm M W W V . . ' L ‘ ,, x ‘A - . lclsxm St., Lexington, Virginia HAWEREC & SMITH JEWELERs i?()LLEGE JEWELRY Opgm.-;it.e .\7ow TI1(‘21li‘L‘ ‘ Lexington, Va. ..m__m__.m.__nn._..m__“ ‘_..‘..._.,,...w, In a[o.-——nn._.u.—.m—uu—nn—m-_uu -.. «E» l)!» 1:012 ‘mmw why’? It _\'<:u (lnn't, you should 1,. . Quality aml Service was nqt ffeiied ignfievidezgco. The d(\.. timxal }>l;1(”;~< e3'»;=. I my < _ V flléiiélhéat ""é’y‘s"£§y‘y3)i1gl;},tvi”.i$;-5 ggmst by ‘“(‘h-jmf (}i}‘lj,1h{‘-Qty hQadLI(l «gm. ,_,iu,_‘ - 5- '-_ ; 7 7 ‘ 5 Il=-l‘lT'hq=l£ath€Il'>'0!f.lth@ plvaintiff gave l7’r‘l-7f117-‘‘U 95 "“v‘|'lil:'—i‘ l’1i17\fl-2 I79l1,ni.se .0i'_ in1— .«‘T.>'1-K ‘ 1l7~"T- {l“1<“I‘ §1‘¥!"‘.t ‘.\'()l'(‘ czuui Phoneg 81 and 288 (éi/i7ith‘e"‘g1':1‘{~g»u’n:l {h;1f 1,}v1g\“‘(‘3'>lt’:< l'<7r13*~I.‘i;;‘l1t.; :m(l an'ive111i the (l(:- l'LI;t’;*liC9i\§ PARK iA=NDv.»MICI.-IAEL- P1‘0Si<1iY1¥-C justi.9e,,»fpund the defen‘~l and carryirw: :1 I . V’ " '3x "» rm n ' 1 REGULAR MEALS I L I ea” “ “ 3N5 ‘:‘. ., , . : .. ,V‘. ' ‘ munity but the, fense waived cross- t7i 3 ,,, v —. , I I w I I 1 mm: L A n.o<<< 1.1. ‘student note Book . Qppognm {1,URT HOUSE I PHONE 25 .1 \ " OCR::/Vol_031/WLURG39_RTP_19271015/WLURG39_RTP_19271015_003.2.txt Intramural Quints Begin Schedules With Seven Teams The intramural basketball league, composed of teams from members of the sophomore and freshman gym classes, opened its schedule last Mon- day in the gymasium. The system was started by Mr. Fletcher and is under the rlirecton of Coach Twombly who felt that such a league would make the gym work more enjoyable as well as valuable in uncovering likely material for the varsity and freshman squads. About 65 men chose this branch of exercise. After two weeks of pre- liminary training, Coach Twombly divided the group into seven squads, each of which elected a captain and chose its own methods of play. Three games are played every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, one team drawing a bye on each of these days. However, Coach Twombly ex- pects a sufficient number of men to join the class within the next few days to form another team, in which case there will be four games on every afternoon that the class meets. Members of the managerial staff of day in the gymnasium. The system positions as officials in the tourna- ment. A regular standing of teams is be- ing kept and at the end of the cam- paign medals will be awarded to each member of the winning combination. :——O Drake Students 7 Past Performances Of Future Rivais E Tiegrs On Rampage The mighty Tigers of Princeton lived up to their cognomen last Sat- urday and swamped the Lchigh eleven with their powerful offensive drive by the count of 42-0. Most of the gaining was done through the Le- l'<:r the Virginians furnished another Il'~.;:4‘ u;>:=,et, and was the first time in il1‘rlj,' years that the Maroons have ile:‘=i-I dei'eate(l on their home gridiron. i Gators Come To i A i‘C‘_lIlV(‘1l'.'1i£‘(l buch of Alligators li'i‘<>l‘.‘. the confines of Florida invaded the Auburn Plains and backed the Plainsmen off the board, winning 33-6. Although Florida’s victory was no surprise, the score was expect- ed to be much closer. The contest Satur z—.‘ lei); ~‘:\..4AJ. ‘i.,.L7l;4i§'ési:IE‘8l)RQ €;il.€ii3"£1"ilil IE. 78" Ir 9 ACCESSORIES SHOWING AT I*‘IN(‘,HLEY’S SHOW ROOM Thursday, Oct. 20th Rep. “GIB” COLLINS| $34.50 To $42.50 TAII.()RED TO YOUR .2 ‘ ORDER Nat LUXENBERG 6? Bro. 37 Union Square, New York Between 16!}: 8 I715! SIS. 22 McCoy’s Three Stores FRUITS, CANDIES CAKES And All Good Things To Eat Edgeworth is what the W€ll’df€SS€(il pipe will Wear .I. W. Zimmerman LEXINGTON, VA. Graduate Optician Registered Optometrist COME TO THE DUTCH INN R A GOOD MEAL Rooms For Parents, Visiting Girls and Chaperones Wide World Gift Shop Gifts for Every One Next Door Dutch Inn J A C K S O N ’ S The Barber Shop With a Conscience OPPOSITE NEW THEATRE NELSON STREET Nuff Said 1353 1927 Palace Barber Shop First Class Service in 3 Sanitary Way Located in ROBERT E. LEE HOTEL ‘IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL’ Sanitation The Law Service The Idea Modern Conviences Expert Shoe Cleaning and Dying Walter's Barber Shop MYERS HARDWARE CO. INC. Established Incor P01’ “ed 1865 1907 CUTLERY—-RAZORS GUNS PAGE THREE INTRODUCING TATHE Varsity H aberdashers for over a Quarter of a Century iAcCURRACK TIES KNOX HATS NETTLETON SHOES Ned Graham ex ’12 Merce Graham ex '19 I’ saw HTIHTTTW llllIIIIIWAEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIZ. ~ a Vc? 7): MCCRUI The Main Street Rendezvous For Students EIIIIIIIIIIllllllfiifilllllllllllllllfilf Drinks, Drugs, Cigars, Cigarettes, Sandwiches, Candies, Magazines, Newspapers If.HillIlillllllllfllmlllllllllIIIIIRII Football Scores Received By Wire Results On Bulletin Board %|LtIl'r'.2IIllIllllllliltfiifléilllllllllllllll K\I!F.!|||||||||||||| 'é\_Ifr'|IIIIlllllllllllfiifilllmfllflflfiifilllIIIIIIIIIIIISMYIIIIIllIllIllIIRIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRIIZ. RAPP MOTOR COMPANY PHONE 532 Night and Day Service General Garage Service~—Storage WEINBERG’S VICTOR and COLUMBIA AGENTS Sole Distributors for W. & L. Swing Fada Radios-—Loud Speakers ROCKBRIDGE NATIONAL BANK Resources over a Million and Half Dollars PAUL M. PENICK, President. A. P. WADE, Cashier. Elllllllllllllll §?Jl\‘.-'2HIll||l||||IIIMEIIIIIIIIIIIIII THE NEW and LYRIC THEATRES DIRECTION SHENANDOAH VALLEY THEATRES RALPH I. DAVES, Manager Matinee Daily 3:00 Evening 7:30 & 9:00 IllIIAIGIIIllMlIllllffiifillllllllllllll fiiifiifflllllllll r(Ii\‘5:TmliIIiiIiIi?Il\~:: ._.... ._........__... ROCKBRIDGE MO-TOR COMPANY DODGE BROTHERS AUTOMOBILES STORAGE PHONE 389 THE MODEL BARBER SHOP Opposite Rockbridge National Bank HUGH A. WILLIAMS, Prop. F RATERNITIES We Solicit Your Patronage Welsh & Hutton Phones 192 and 144 “WE CAN KEEP U NEAT” SMlTH’S DRY CLEANING WORKS 35 N. Jefferson St. Phone 514 FOX’S EXPECTS YOU OCR::/Vol_031/WLURG39_RTP_19271015/WLURG39_RTP_19271015_004.2.txt PAGE FOUR . W THE RING-TUM PHI -nrwgl‘ -* 1-‘V Princetori’s Weight Subdues Generals T p . . _ £1“! ‘ Ki‘ Continued on Paere Four _, ‘ ii ‘ 7, »_. __ , V l _ “ I and then an attempted pass '\‘."(1f ,> . _ .. ‘A i 4?, Tr ’_V fix losing the ball on downs. An oifsile ,. ‘ I ‘I . ii ‘i () W N penalty for Princeton put the hall en ‘ v " V . . .5 1.‘ /1' V g 4 I 1 E 1 _ }_4_j . =" . T p 3, T " the 20 yard line. A pass was incom»- __ plete. Lott gained one yard thru the if 5‘, 1 i ‘ p ;; line on the next play, Lott fumbled { V -. __ - " » , . I. d but recovered back of his own line, l 4 “ . ' 4 1 1: e losing the ball on downs on the Gen- Aj ‘ “ ‘ ., 1 .. ) flfi ‘‘ ‘)3 erals’ 20 yard line. After ca'L«hin_e' a ‘ 2 I ,i .. _- V‘; p I l ‘- y " ‘I _— _ i "8 lateral pass from Baruch. Oweng: <'ir— ‘ , , ‘. / . I ” ‘ ‘’‘'‘ F _‘ V‘ T‘ cled left end for 10 yards. Two at-- » r . ,_ _ T y i ‘ ‘i 3 gr; A {Z Thg ,/Vew yabzrzgs fa,‘ fall tempts at the line by W'itmer proved ’ * L v » r‘ . ' ‘- furtile, Captain Tips crashing thru to get the runner each time. A beauti— ‘ L V n V i ,- V :31? Y v'—V ful forward pass, from Baruch to - \ ' _ ‘ . . L T ‘L’ Owen’, was good for a touchdw<'>n, The extra point was added when \\'it- mer caught a pass from Baruch. ‘ V‘ T , ii if I i T‘. w n (‘x The for at of we 1 t it ~ r r v DOBBS HAT3 ter was in midfield. The General-.2 if 3, H : i ‘ ~. \ I . . . completed two passes but the drive 'i ( T i’. ii i‘ L" . NT . A Iieal Hat Prlce was short lived when Baruch inter— "ii i ' i * ' I L in cepted another pass on his own 4?} yard line. The fourth quarter was marked by a determined drive which carried the Generals to the Tigers’ :1 y ‘y _ . _ K A ' ‘ N 30 yard line where they were forced 1 "l ._ .2 i ' i H ' V ’ 5‘ V to punt. The Princeton backs then ’ . " V ‘ ,1, ‘ ST, started a march down the field but L i . -7'; .3 _ ’ V’ * ._ V i ’ L the Blue and White line stiffened on E 2‘ _ ,, «. _ 3 V’ L ' V V. " fl V - ’ “’l5{E.MElVil5ER” lT’S THE CUT OF YOUR CLOTHES its own 10 yard line and held for El fh _. ‘ ‘ . _ ~ ' _ THAT COUNTS downs. Lott punted out of dantrer and ' . V ‘ ‘ - . ;p . " . "i ” i i after three attempts to pierce the Generals’ front wall had resulted in ‘ IV a six yard loss, Lowry e.\:ecuted a ‘well -. ‘ _ y ‘ , ‘ _, i p x ‘ W '_ _ _ _ _ _ p _ J _ I V I V A M T _ placed punt, the ball rolling: outgirle ~ ' I ' V‘ V‘ ' _ ii i" ' _"~.§‘ " "V '7 " L ‘ on the Generals’ one yard line. Lott ;. T‘ J; ' ii , i , -‘ —- : aw _ then punted from behind his own goal _ V _ . _ _ _ ‘ ‘ i ’ - ‘ ’ E € line. The Tiger backs then resorted 1 —— -- < r r ' l to an aerial attack which carried the l,)}£‘11(i1::1r:1}(1)e§lr1G(l1C-(gllalsl 21 ‘Wd “W W ' 77 4 ~ - ‘ ~17.“ "'/"‘ t},,¢ E ii . m . “ ~. if “Wm .t"i'ni.i2:'i*i(: GO0DS—-Gym Suits Tennis and Golf Goods yam HO thenhit0fi‘1CftOaCk1Ci‘(’)» » -' » A ~ "4 we 9» W3 PJiaUi/3 I «M 1 9 senooi.sti1>1>Lias—Pem, Pencils, Note Books, Fillers. mom , Stationary __ ' —' ~ ‘ ' - ' indeed the myriad qualities of per: ‘V i“l()An~/3« T‘3ii1V~3C0a DRUGISTS SUNDRIES The Gray Phanmm _:.,.: we .’ pp V ‘ I if: tun in are to he found in la I _soi~:*c~;=t tolmccos grown. And the art of l“é*i_1,1zre, is aided lny a lrlemling that nu» Wh0’S the CZIVO man On the fzlcultif eaaaflil '25: ' 2' ' .. v.:.:. ;: 'l felils eacli delicate taste and .‘"r:1g:r:u1ce. of Washington and Lee ’uni\'ersit_V? ‘ _ W I I _ . , . . , V .. . V. \— , z—“ ., . . 1: \ . What modem Bluobomd 15 »w1.,.m.1,,4, i.» .. ~ , V lot), Nil- mole tlldl . -t».<, Ctllllmis. mg his fall" S¥’°uS0 * K. ‘- is :~L!$a}t(;l13’.,) s~';i:,l You will iind a solace in them every Hushed queries are being: noised ' abroad among the elite ofliexinzton for u _ , Q . __ _ Society as to who t}1iSmau.i,n,,,m1 ~=Jm'i(>u:-;ly. :;:r:i: 2: mgmlity lien; .r.nellow1iess are an endless pleasure. Recommended by the English Deparlmcnl of Washington and Lee University L-4.).'>;]‘Jl{liIlg hour. Their mildness and brute might 170- that pariietrlaiz‘ ~:,nu;:» -; 2:m:>r-estizite. it “Ha've (5 Cun1,el/” g This tale of ‘l°"“‘St‘°° '°“‘b“l*‘t“"”" 1:. :7 .71 L.) rm o L n s 1‘ o 2;: A :2 <; o c o M r A N Y , w 1 N s T o N . s A L E M, N. C . was released several days ago by a negro maid who was speaking: to @1927 several of the younger members of‘ I ‘T _p p the august Washington and Leef V ‘ ii " _ many. y . _ . ' e S.ti,.ER”S GARAGE “D0” Y0’ 3“ “ah W‘ m“”'i“‘l“' K‘ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ I‘ '1'ii‘ Demagogue _who ascertains tr the best of his ability which WZl_\ the campus crowd is going‘; ther runs zealously in front of tin fastest as their splendid “Lead lfheatre er. Let every VV. and L. man forxr ‘ H / the habit and the facility of rea Mat ]5"‘)’0c_"‘\‘1u’ Zilfll‘ leadership, which informs am’ magnetizcs the unthinking‘ Many. _. ~ . —. V. ' “Eng” ‘J: utilizes their combined stremrtl V to accomplish the Leader's chose: PATTQINVS H. M. Clothes J. 6’ M. Shoes _4fi9';’ z’;-ExZ€«'E Tifi"&’1_¥_~‘uF‘.'l if-€5L‘A ’ Stetson and Simble Hats .'\ N1; ““ A ~ 1 4"/31 f .:' ' ' "'7 —""*‘“..f: *“‘“—“._:.:‘*__—_%—?-— '!I='.‘sfu‘a‘.'1xwp.:tw Ea ":.1:r\~9wr—- .—-mu . Tuestlay. October 1%» u.vl»-9. 5. -1537!:-'5~'. ‘-' T T‘ . ,‘:*&‘€F.3 :’aa.s~:..:.a.rv~z/2 »Ez”&'-5?’ 3'. . §‘.!-“it LL [AND d If I We are now showing our complete line of purpose, an i ts tie who]: ‘_ . -V , _ . ‘ ‘ _ H ’ _ H‘ V ‘ I ’ ' - crowd to his higher and |)roa(le“ iii '3 T‘ N l l 5 ‘ .5 I“ i,-"1 . [1 I 1 [ll it) .i'\) Ill/Al‘; , Choice Woolens foreign and donlestlc level of opinion and action : T k— 3 1 A Cordial invitation is extended to you to The lack of such leaders ix. ___*_ ' j ‘ inspect sarne both parties is today disinte- I U \ , ,m.m;.H. —-— 1 p _A V grating our American civila- v . i‘ ‘ E — tion and ],u.aking- down our civi, i i'mmi:£::_l)l“Ni‘ I H > N 'v i " ‘V I ‘at C >;1;L.:(::i<)n J -I E I morality and self governnient. ..t_1!~ Iv (5, . V -. .. ., m. \ l‘:v 2‘-:,.,"* To create and furnish them is the H U_l:_ \ is highest function of Washinggton’ 'g‘u,\.,_;h}.‘ ()(.m;,‘_,;. :3 and Lee. Let every young Ameri-- ‘ , n L V T74 and do his ,,..,.t. _ , :)zu0l2nt:i—r or Students 0_ A _ I x I . *1‘/'.*'§W“'.~.. maomza :~:IWr.1IATIEs 1 ” i .4 '?i%=‘.ii.zs,S5tI£§) SA.N.L>WICHES*WAFFLES ems BREAKFASTS “(."()l/1... p The Sm,ither\;s ‘{.i1>lliil"i:i>.)Ii‘iI'% “iii;-' ‘ Tl-..<.~ir i7‘irs