OCR::/Vol_031/WLURG39_RTP_19271207/WLURG39_RTP_19271207_001.2.txt F allow Our 1928 .',-’_'1«’i.r.'-'-r“1'.;r’ <1-"i ' BY THE STUDENTS, FOR THE UNIVERSITY. Basketball Team VOLUME Xx_xi _ x. m_.,.zz _,. Basketball Claims Number {if Stellar Men. Coach E. P. Davis’ call for candi- for the freshman basketball team has been answered by about (30 men. The squad contains many high and prep school luminaries of [last season and a host of others GILL DIRECTS SIXTH BALLlwho have attracted attention on the “suicide” court throughout the fall. The work before Christmas will consist only of drills in the funda- mentals of the game and the varsity system of play. Special stress will he put on the latter in order that ‘ESQ ask.‘ . FANCY DR THEME T0 ‘IN BOiJi[\'.>l\’)C2JiJ>~ Q0C.O0JODC«O>J>>¥>-l\'>[\’2l-‘COO North Carolina .. Tulane Sewanee ,l Kentucky “The Lee Blue Pencil club will petition Sigma Delta Chi, national professional journalistic fraternity, this year.” This is the statenienti ,\ .‘ ,_ ‘:.l.li,Llll’1 6 made yesterday by professor Ho-l Mmmv ©>—l>—*[\'.>[\'Jl\'JI\'J00 )4©©P-‘OOOOP-‘®©©©ld®©®©O[\3l-‘P-‘ N0 admission will be charged and: the public is invited. I’reparatioiis. are being made to accoinniodate ‘the, large crowd that is expected. Principles taking part in the per- formance are: Interlocuter ,.,,,,,II. 0. Winston “Uncle Remus” F. 0. Evans “Aunt Jemima” ,A. C. Junkiii Buena Vista “Ed” . .. J. Lynch, “Jackson Johnson” ,,,,, ..R. A. Merritt “Cheese Brothers” Swiss Pimento .. .. 0 —— — i SIX ON HOSPITAL LIST 1 R. . H. O. Morrow‘ B. Busold. Owing to the combined effects of: the cold the‘ Thanksgiving holidays, are ‘ recent spell and there more students inthe Jackson Meiii—j orial Hospital than usual. The ma-; jority of them have either colds or. grippe. serious, however, and most of the? students will be out again in a short‘ time. None of the cases are very Following is a list of the men who were in the hospital yesterday: R.‘ W. Southerland, J. I’. .A1'n'lSi.I‘()llg',: M. Seligman, J. C. Berry, E. L.‘ Anderson and T. J. Sugrue. ——0 1927 Eaduates Scattered Over Wide Territory the alumni show that while many 1927 are in gi'adu—" Reports form ate schools, the inajority are making: their marks in the business world.l iPractically all of the 1927 graduates‘ in law are now practicing in tlicirl home cities. l L. Storey Stenimons, B. L. ‘27,; varsity guard on the Generals" eicvciil is now 1 ihllnm’ ifor three years, parcticing law in Dallas, Texas. He is associa-, ted W. P. Dallas attorney. W. G. Sale J1-., B. A. ‘:24, B. L. ‘27,f is with the law iirni of Sale, Strotlierl Curd and Tucker at Welch, W. Va; Rhea Whitley, B. L. ‘27, has locat—‘ ed in Seattle, Washington after somel initial expressions in the practical with Dumas, eminent l i_iractice ward M. Thompson, of the facultvl . Aiimistefld’ Va.nderbi1.t’S of the Lee school of journalism. i lmlmIe_thM.iat ace’ is the high point This dub was formed last VeaT(,S(:Ul‘(‘.I‘ in Southern Conference by Professor Thompson, and liiiiitsi‘. iho C0mm0dOr.e fullback its membership strickly to those who piled up a total of 66 points’ now intend to make a profession ofi R"-V Witt’ halfback of the some line of journalistic Work. There Tciinessee Volunteers, holds the dis- are at present about thirteen mem_ltinction of having kicked more field hers in the University. A meetinglgoals in Southern Conference con- Will be held some time next Vveek to} tests than any other individual. organize the work for the remainder, Witt managed to boot twelve Overr of the year_ lac-counting for 36 points via the toe The formal time for petitions to;10:Le' _ _ . Sigma Delta Chi is November, When, Ihe University of South Carolina the petitioning Organimtion must}“Gamecocks” had moire points scor- Send a representative to the f].atL,1._§c(l zigziinst them than any of their nityys annual convention This yO11."C()Ill"'c‘I'QllC0 foes. Exactly 133 points the Convention was held in Kansas’ were made over, through and around and the Blue Pencil club was notjthep" financially able to send a representa-i The Aubunl Plainsmen made the tive there, and was not organized fori P0U1‘0S’E Sh0Wln§ in the C0I1f81‘9I1C€- the year at that time, lThey finished in the cellar with no 1 The officials of Sigma Delta Chi,‘,victories, 6 losses and 1 deadlock. D305. star however, have consented to let thelThC.V SC01‘9d Only 21 P0i11tS during‘ individual chapters vote on the pe—lth€ entire Season. tition of the Washington and Lee‘ e~O—~—— club, instead of having them wait} Judge Herbert O. Bower, 60, cap- unitl next November. This will makel will of the Yale Law School base- it; posible for the Lee Blue Pgnciliball team which won the intercolleg- club to be taken into the nationalliélte Ch3-mPi011ShiP Of the U- S- at fraternity during the present college the W01'ld’S fail’ in ChiCag0 died this year. week. of law at his home town of Jones-A‘ boro, Ark. ‘ Geogre Maynard, Jr., ‘27, is pi-ac-§ ,ticing law with the firm of May—3 lnard, Fitzpatrick and Venablc, of: : Clarksdale, Miss. I F. B. Jackson, B. S. ‘27, has con-‘ lnected himself with the R. J. Rcy—l inolds Tobacco Company, with head-1 quarters at Charleston, S. C. __.__0_.:_ Repair Work Will l Be Done In Spring --————— l Repair work to be done on tliel University roads will probal=ly not be started until the early :—'priiig,f according to Professor Hale Houston,_ who is in charge of the work. The appropriation of $5,000 set‘ aside for this work by the Board oi" Trustees will not become effective‘ until after January 19. At that time, the Board will hold a meeting to approve the suggestions made by I-’rofessor Houston. As it will be impossible for the concrete work to be done during the cold season, it is necessary that the repairs be delayed until the early spring. j lnow at W. & L.” .iil‘l1nl1ll(llS” of Lexington intend to 1 University ;Manager Norris Smith, yesterday. The = cleaner Concerning the influence of the} ,,l.c:c.~‘ ’L‘iME 1F YOU'LL. RUM Down To THE DRU6 STORE AND GET ME A CARTON or OLD (5’oLDs .l \ iiil‘ "’ 1'. 31¢ Ill :4 -|‘i ‘ll. *\¢‘- " -‘*=~.....\\"' . 7729 Smoother mm’ Beltér Cigarezfe . . not a cough in a carload © 1927, P.Lorillard Co., Est. 1760 President's Paragraph 1 1' Participation in politics _ No. I5-1927-28 Thc Big Task of Present-Day American Civilization. The one overshadowing task of educated American citizenship is Social Reconstruction, not the discovery of abstract truths by the aczuleniic mind revolving around a single “subject”, but the making of our complex civil- ization a sane, efficient, and fruitful social order. Are your chosen studies mak- ing you a social expert? M0? AGNOR BROS. Successors to W. Harry Agnor Staple and Fancy Groceries Phones 36 and 76 WAYLAND-GORRELL DRUG CO. INC. l NORRIS and NUNNALLY’S CANDIES W. & L. STATIONERY NICE PRINTING AND NO OTHER At The County News JOB OFFICE Students’ Printing Invited Opposite Presbyterian Sunday School Room, Main St. LEXINGTON, VA. MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT LEXINGTON POOL COMPANY EQUIPMENT UNEXCELLED The Gray Phantom tion be made to prevent the noise from automobiles passing the hos- pital. Particular reference was made} all-nnni Of that Un1V€1‘S1tY by going to trucks driving by early in thel from place to place to seek out these mornings with throttle open. 1 sympathetic people and claiming that i he is stranded because the car in l a law student from W. & L. has been making money off parents of Washington and Lee students and ‘parents and is making a success. Which he W35 8‘01ng '00 01‘ f1‘01n‘ He has borrowed as much as $'75.00.l L9X1ngt0n W215 Sta11ed- He kn0WS ‘ A young fellow, alias Walter Saund-l the n-311195 Of numerous People Of: ers or VV. F. Davis operated aroundl‘ the college, can carry on interestingiwashington, D. C., in 1925, the‘ discussions With‘ the alumni 01‘ Richmond Times-Dispatch states. It is dinner time at one of the frateriiity houses on the campus. .-\bout the tables sit numbers of well gmonicd students, hair im- ina-zulaicly combed, and neckties adjusted to the most significant angle. The brought. in— juicy, sweet. roast, served with pt/rntoes. corn and _rice—the whole for epicure seems perfect. The face of each brother fairly with s=.atisfactio11, and spine eve‘-:1 droop with satiety. They wait to see what delectable delicacy the monarch of the kitchen has prepared for their cronsumptioii. dinner is glows (icon.-;e. the waiter. brings in :1 huge tray——“Grapcfruit cock- tail!” he announces suggestively. A serving is placed before each water-mouthed frater——at a sig- nal from the high gormandizer, thirty spoons are waved aloft. Another sigiial and they are dipped in the delicacy. Thrcc seconds later the room is absolutely empty. Upstairs the good brothers are fatefully ;:a7.ing into their trunks and in spite of their fear-widened eyes find everything intact. George later explains to the assembled brethren that brandy flavoring may be procured at the drug- store at a nominal price. The chronicles of history do not relate whether the brothers re- turned to their desserts or not. Acme Print Shop —For— QUICK SERVICE In First National Bank Building Phone 146 Lexington, Va. By Students—F or Students THE SUBWAY KITCREN, Inc. SPECIALTIES TOASTED SANDWICHES—WAFFLES R. L. Hess & Bro. Watchmakers and Jewelers Keys Made, Typewriters Repaired Next Door To Lyric Theatre CLUB BREAKFASTS Get The Subway Habit PAGE’S MEAT MARKET Phones 126 and 426 W. C9" L. Students START EARLY Place your order NOW for Engraved Christmas Cards. HARLOW’S PRINT SHOP No. 8 JEFFERSON ST. For Best Printing J. ED. DEAVER & SONS GGIIIS nfsiiifufimfiufnsllllnunnuIs:a.sI FOR NEVV-—'£'op Coats——New Su1ts—Hats Furnishings, A New lot of Ties just in Beautiful Fancy Sox 50c and 75c SEE OUR $25.00 TO $35.00 CLOTHES NEW GOODS DAILY DEAVER’S OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE .. vza:IunmImwgmllqmulllus amImymamInllclmmrunillnllnuulsvfi mmnmm. w 'Jl\!'ill|llIIIIIIIIIIEIEIIIIII Jllllllllllllli PHONE 25 Ztllllllllllfll wuggIg__ OCR::/Vol_031/WLURG39_RTP_19271207/WLURG39_RTP_19271207_003.2.txt THE RING-TUM PHI PAGE THREE Mrrrssiiiiiiio our For FEVE AND TEN sroat Clothier and VVcinl)erg To New Building To Be Erected. Move; J. M. Meeks’ clothing store and VVeinberg’s (l(‘}72l.1‘tl‘.1i-lit store are conducting special sales startinj: this week, preparatory to closing out their establishments in their present quarters to make room for the erec- tion of a new building which will house Lexington’s first five and ten cent store, announcement yesterday said. Both of these firms expect to be out of their rooms by the middle of January, and work on the new building, which will be occupied by a. New York syndicate, according to reports, will start early in the Spring. Whether or not a local manager will be named for the new store is not definitely known, but it is a certainty that Meeks, and probably Weinberg, will open stores similar to their present establishment else- where in town shortly after vacating Judge lays Press As Regards Trials Taking the press and its relations : Wasliingion and Lee In the Past l to the courts as the subject for an exteiided charge to the federal grand in session in Raleigh, N. C., United States District Judge I. M. Moekins denied the “absolute right” of newspapers to report and of the public to be informed of the pro- ear-(liiigs of court trials. i!_H'\,' ./ ~. “It is a misapprehension which. appe;ii'.: to be prevalent among the. j<‘n:'nali.~ts of the country that pub- licity of all that is done in the name of justice is vital to. a republic,” declared Judge Meekins, who re- leased about 3,000 words on what he thinks the press is and what he thinks it ought to be. “As a matter of fact there is no universal right in the public to at- tend upon or to be informed of all trials or other proceedings in the courts, and the rights of the press are no other than those of the public at large. ‘ “The general custom of public trials in the reform practice result- ing from the abolition of star chain- ber proceedings, bioilght about in England during the reign of Charles I, is in the right and for the protec- tion of the, litigants. ' l;ey—Day game, after having recently been trounced by Va. Tech. K. Brown, Dartmouth ’02, was coach. ball season without a defeat. sensational playing of “Cy” Young and the tutoring of Coach Walter Elcock were the two greatest factors. During the season V. P. 1., West Va., were Championship title sides national distinctions. l 1900 l President Wilson died, We-dnesday,l October 17, after prolonged illness} and suffering from pulmonary tuber-f colosis. V\7as in Cleveland’s cabinet‘ and was former president of VVest, Virginia University before coming to W. & L. as administrative head. 1908 (z‘ener-als defeated Georgetown University 12-10 in spectacular Tur- Robert 1914 The Generals emerged from foot- The Georgetown and N. C. State defeated. South Atlantic was clear be- 1922 The petition of VV. & L. students ‘side was labelled “Bud”; another their present locations. H7‘ ix As announced elsewhere in this issue, Meeks’ store is putting their entire stock on sale beginning this morning, and their price-slashing drive is slated to continue for ten days. The proprietor stated this morning that his entire stock of goods, including nationally known brands of suits, shoes, hats, shirts, and other haberdashery, would be disposed of at this sale. Most of the stock consists of goods purchased within the past few months for his current trade, and includes a great deal of new winter stock only re- cently received. The notice of the’ plans of the owners of the property came unheralded, it is said, and as a. result caught the store with its usual complete winter stock on hand. Quite a number of students were among the crowd that visited the store this morning alinost immedi- ately after the doors opened at 9 o’clock, aid from their reports it appears that prices on all goods are being quoted at an unusually low price. One of the most noticablci facts, it seems, is that practically all the material being offered is of standard brands, and is of the type which has always been carried in the regular stock of the store. The store was closed Monday and yesterday, preparatory to the sale, and during these two days and nights an extra force of clerks and assistants was busy rearranging the stock so as to make easily accessible to the clerks and patrons with a minimum of trouble. Meeks has been in the clothing business at his present stand for twelve years, part of the time with a partner and in more recent years by himself. VVeinberg’s store has been in the same room for about thirty years, and for the time be- ing at least, he will move his stock to his music department quarters, pending erection of the new struc- ture on the site of the buildings to be razed. j1o__.: Desha Publishes _ Chemistry Book he usual constitutional provis- ions of our states on the subject is in regard to criminal cases, in substance that the accused shall have the right to a speedy public trial by an impartial jury, etc., and it is customary, though not unexceptional, to hold all trials, civil and criminal, in public. “But this is the right of the parties, who may waive it by agree- ment and submit to trial in private, if they so request and the court acccdes. “For that reason, there is no ab- solute right the publishers of news- papers have, for themselves 01' for the ini’orination, amusement or agitation of the public, to attend or report trials.”—(Ed. and Pub.) 150}? Nobel Prize Goes , To Chicago Prof. everything l University of Chicago added to its ;;loi*Ie;<, as a ee.n'l,er of 1'QSea1'('h in physics when l’i'ofessor Arthur A. 'Coilii_;f<.n was a‘-.‘.*c.rde(l jointly with journalism; second day, college and high school journalism; advertising; editing. for a box car in which to go to the Clemson-Furman Relations Strained i A battered mule has threatened athletic relations between Clemson College and Furman University. The animal was paraded through Greenville streets by Furman stu- dents Thanksgiving during their celebration of a 28-0 football victory over Clemson. A placard on one announced “California, here I come.” Clemson men resented the incident as a reflection upon Captain “Bud” Eskew, their star quarterback, who had been maintained as possible member of an all-star Southern team to play a mid-winter game on the Pacific Coast. 0 Carolina Student Players On Tour Four plays depicting North Caro- lina life, one a comedy and three tragedies, written by students and faculty members, and acted by stu- dents of the University of North Carolina, are being preesnted in eleven cities during the present northern tour of the company. The students at Chapel Hill have been unusually successful in dramatizing their environment, and their plays have been meeting with much praise. —-(N.S.S.) W. & L.-Centre game at Louisville was denied by the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad authorities, due to the. fact that such a request if grantedl would be a violation of the Inter-: State Commerce regulations. 1 1926 i ‘I First issue of new “Mink” ap' peared on October 15, under editor-i ship of Jarius Collins, after a lapse of two years. Ifitzgerald Flournoy, now professor of English in the university, was its first editor. .__I(;_..__ TEXAS JO 1‘ Ills" A LISM WEEK A tentative program has been prepared under supervision of Dr. C. D. Johnson, head of the depart- ment of journalism at Baylor Uni- versity, Waco, for the second obser- vance of journalism week at that institution. Dates for the observ- ance are April 25 to 29. The first day will be devoted to metropolitan third day, fourth day, magazine l“rofesso1' Charles Thompson, of Cambridge, the Nobel prize in physics for 1927. Professor Comp- ton is the third American to win- the physics prize. The other two. men who won recognition were also; of the University of Chicago. One,7 l’rol'essor Albert Michelson, is still‘ on the staff. The chief importance: of his research, Professor Compton said, was substantiation of the quan- --(N.S.S.) eecitsriocia THEATRE BUENA VISTA, VA. \A/It! pm’; Fox presents W. J. THOMAS Meat Market Quality and Service Phones 81 and 288 THE DUTCH lNN A GO-OPSRMEAL Rooms For Parents, Visiting Girls and Chaperones .. EVORLD3 GREATEST i‘”i€.3}TiON PICTURE PROGRAM NEW & LYRIC THEATRES FRIDAY and SATURDAY December 9 and 10 “The Underworld” All that the public can expect in a really wonder- ful picture. A Paramount Special starring-— Clive Brook, Evelyn Brent, George Bancroft and Larry Semon. Admission—20 and 40c Thursday, Dec. 8th A ZANE GREY WESTERN “Open Range” Two reel COMEDY Admission—20 and 30c Wednesday, Dec. 7th A real Comedy Treat “Is Zat So” If you like plenty comedy —here it is! LYRIC THEATRE FRIDAY and SATURDAY December 9 and 10 Tom Mix In the BIG TOP thriller “The Circus Ace” Admission—20 and 30c Fvfade. by Sarirty Rranh In All The New Fabrics For Fall F LORSHEHVI SHOES DOBBS HATS A Real Hat At The Right Price EEKS PHONE 295 MAIN ST. “REMEMBER” ITS THE CUT OF YOUR CLOTHES TIIAT COUNTS is What the ‘JE7€il’£i1‘€SS€Cl H pipe vviii ‘~r 7 1",./‘. 4" V ._-.__l H. S. S’ M. Clothes J. 6’ M. Shoes Stetson and Shoble Hats I-IAMRIC & SMITH JEWELERS COLLEGE JEWELRY Opposite New Theatre Lexington, Va. STGRE Dr. Desha, Professor of‘ Organici ‘Iii Chemistry announced today that his? new chemistry book will be ready} sometime in the near future. It hasl taken several years of effort on the; part of Dr. Desha to compile the; material for this book, and the re—; sult of these efforts is a coinpletel‘ THE FRIENDLY STORE "EOi‘vi RICE, Prorietor TOASTED SANl)Wlf‘i{l~I‘;3 l)i.'L{VEREI) AT ALL HOURS DRUGS SODAS CIGARS So-lie Agents WhiE:man’s Candies A good shoe to ask for by naIne—-FULWELL manuscript in niimeograph form. This mimeograph has been used by the Organic Chemistry class for the past year, and has proved itself to be a clear and complete text for class work in organic chemistry. The name of the book when pub- lished will be “Pi'in<'iples. of Organic Chemistry,” and it will be used as the basis of class work in all organic chemistry classes here. The revi- sion of the manuscript will be com- pleted the latter part of this year, and the finished text will be ready for class use by the next school year. 0 N. Y. Alumnus Goes Through Lexington James A. Lee, graduate of 1917, and secretary and loading spirit of the New York city alumni, stopped i S here for a short visit last Thursday, while enroute home from a business trip in Chicago. Mr. Lee has an important position in the laboratories of the Bell Tele- phone Company, with offices in N. Y., and was recently assigned to special work in Chicago. He is largely responsible for the great success of the N. Y. alumni. d Saturday December 9—I0th Matinee——-3 :00 Night—8.00 -—Pipe Organ Music— _ Admission—-25c & 50c Biggest sensation of the year ‘Var 0 $7 :1 They will more than one glance 1 1 There is an indefinable somotliing about your John definite about you. a taste for quality. They'd never guess the prices — choose from large variety. c..7 T.'iA»‘31.\fS INCORPORATED r—-I REG. U.S.PA‘l‘. ol=F., Robert E. Lee Hotel ds that tells something fliers see that you have nii'‘i‘owled, then Lil‘.-iii . t lien Probabl}; the iriosi. ii‘iipoit‘.iii‘. iiecv ltE1_\' S. of tiie oi added is tiie one by Baker, on the life Woodi‘ow \‘.'il.;oii. ficial biograph_,‘ of the \.ar I}.L"«. ~ - and is being \e. ' i'a.\'oi‘.‘-. ig’ by the readi‘~i public, -.=.ii.. e,pc., by the adi:iii‘e;‘s cl’ ".7.‘il:.e.i adininistratioii. work ".\ as sun Li it ti.ei's Tiiis ‘;$2l\‘.' lrl TLC In {K ‘J. _ , . Peiidletoii, \i‘ho is l‘iia\<.' i)0\i)"g'Ll2ll'(l, leaped to feet aid startc(l cliasiiig Willard‘ Willard, who weighs 13:...) poiiiids, ran fast, butvit would not have been i’ast enough, however, liail not Auerbac‘ii grabbed Mi‘. Pen- tiletoii, siowiiig hini sufficiently to the ::>.iiiici‘aiiiaii.~»—(lid. and Pub.) ‘ ttilti Another iiiiportaiit tool; is ‘-“i';ii Durant’s latest This author will be ix~iiicii.i,ei~.d for his “Story or ‘r’liilosopliy"‘. His works are eausiiig iiitien d.scussioii lately,and interest is :.‘~llO\‘»il in the new book and the coiiiiiiciits which it will bring. ‘ ' Am , Other new books adtC(l iii all ihist Oifices ad- tiie <,‘,;:ii»;,‘ iliiisiietl ’ _i;;~,_. H0019 2*-_ }i(;ll('L‘. ii’(2l‘il tle'p.‘,1.l"Li.ieiit of may has 2.). iii.to.iig or packages at Just i,_.i_"..:. K/li\ ‘pdi ‘.t._,i‘:_i‘,:»ii gives lil- iiit.-i est aoeui. '\,/lii’l;;3t- it i‘c;‘..ls so.;ie'tlii:ig‘ like Seniors l?iViV‘l0i‘K£Ai5_:‘; Un Locai L.?niii<.:ireri .~ , _ :.. iicilug, a \1ll;’.iil,.Ly of l(;1 iiiore, iiiaii tiiein " .4 -:.1i‘d>, .x.iy Ui‘ ‘ i iii‘... 01‘l Two seiiiors Xicic at ".~.a‘:;ii.iigto.i as ,,L,,W1~m MC‘ anuaiiec, and Lee, 'cJc,;ei"atiiig ...i.i: tiic i..o‘.,i\- L,A.\,‘.y» bi-idge ‘ am: aiiiiiiiiig ,,., '.-ii}.1Lllb i";.'oi.i ;.,-_. caiiziot pos.;i'.)iy be .) ‘ ..4 or To ‘ iiiaii 't'iiei1“ Liiristiiias -u h~‘~~¥~-- 'w~\~‘» c.tii\ci‘cd ll l-.'i.‘.li(.‘ti :)£.ll'..‘L.l x,_iL'i.>ti’.l‘d':3. i:.a;, .J;_'fui\i chiloreii for as part of an adxaiiccd course iii ogy. Two types t:.p;.x\'oii.i.—,. examples oi’ piii been found in i.ity per ~.'\,‘ilt oi specinieiis. Ciily pt‘-.p;‘is obvious Lciiiiciicy tux.-arti tions of this type \'\ei'\,‘ s.-.ccLe«.i ii»: 'p‘.ii‘..sitie ii-g.;iii.~=.;.<, ,V..,,L;..\,m ;"‘Ul_ \\ Celxri LJi,‘iUi'; Lilo‘ ti’ ‘.LL4 L.) ‘L,-o:3i. Ulk-TCL‘. 01‘ of aiic. posiiii. s-..i'ticii lil persoii, or tied to-i i,‘llllLilC iaochtd to show and tiie Moiiii iiave gttiaei: in it the .5 ;..e -,‘~i.,—.ti.;.‘.s Ccl1tlS, ..i... as. ,;i;.....»... iii 11 .;,.i‘cet ‘ie‘LL\’:l‘ or pack-, iii._-; wiii theii be segi'e—i ~.l nitii date Olli delivery 1 iiii‘pei'i..c— 2-.__; e L/uni. '.Lr‘Q‘\l stttiii‘ tiie, $3 9 A and ‘oelore Chris ‘L- de ii\'e‘i*. ti, day s subjects, llU\\.C“{L“r’. i\::.-1i Lu W The spec-ii county llLAl'S(: L. Davidgc, Ukiahonia, LA.ll\l J. dent from St. who study tiiciii here. liilectioiis paJ.’eii‘i.s’ ui is are U,.,L?_iiITL"Ll by tiie \...\L\L'LLu i or 1: ttiitl ‘..tll'ilLtl x)‘."(.‘l_‘ LL) Li. ll‘i‘LLi 1 l'L'tei‘..;ti;'g, iiui'lL‘.‘.., lil Liit: i’tti’;uitttoi‘i..: V I V )_ .E‘i€S1‘'¢.Ei.&X‘ irracuce iepoittd to tiie C. re Lii;iczL;3~..‘ti Ciliikt Loni ullii the‘ Ly. o \»”e(.‘ls:a i rouiidiiig iii-L,‘ \,1.,ill ttiiiii, Lztpxll‘ reiiieoies are poiiited out. _,__._U- Gift Stiop Uirrex-s Xmas 5i.:iggestions~* , \_/ ./leii'iL‘..l ‘ctjiti Y \;L is 3;, i‘z‘...ti.‘..i_,' , int.) _ gm _ practice >.)iisLt.1l\J Liiitici‘ Liie stipei'visioii oi. ‘ coacii ;»\o.i.-.‘.,-,. J,1l;l“'\. are approxi- i i .. , i .t.l_‘~.’ L.) iiitii «JUL. iiicitldiiig L/ulJl.‘clllIl‘ i i Liiki loilowiiig reg uiars: F f _-»iuLl\, 'v\2LL.>l,»li, Stiiart, iiiei'tc~ii and.‘ or aiiv , ,. _ H ,_ _ , ‘ i iiiil. i ineiiibei‘ oi“ tlic i;in.il;; “ ior ‘fl‘l‘i‘ic'.l;< i ~ , , ~ _ ~, , ~ bi) i..ti' liLl:a' utell illust- in every i'::lai,:l'i<‘rt .‘ A “ ‘“““" O Aid in (‘l‘i()(iHlllf" giifts ,» iiiig iiiiigtitt; UL A ‘ ,ii iui.;i.i.;ii.,iital:. cl gyiiiiiasg ..,, _,.c.., \~,i..i ~.~.o.~.; ;,;; tiie p.:,.ia‘iiei i;Lll‘>,, .iii .1) , ‘irats, ‘ei.;piia.it , L11; ioiigl .i«....e ~..ii..~ tiie spriiig L1UilJ.'(l, aiioi . iiistitic Lion in: iiidiaii it-petoire. » ~ I ciii; jixiil/.‘,riiic‘.l U2‘. 5. gei', stated today. Ixr'm.i‘(;c,:.- oi money available for the })ll'i‘Cll. ‘ tasteful gifts iiiiiisual tf.‘I_‘iL‘.i are available for‘ e\‘ei‘ybodj,‘ at tlii;-j establishment. ‘ “U1-in In looking over the ::tock of ‘ll! A L .-yit..i..‘tL Ltiiit Citlu l i i [Skin ttiiltiiilg, oiii... ;.ic also iii their‘ of an iuztcil lllttil ‘xiii ills‘ and} will i last trip oeiiig piaiiiied lJt/[bi been takeii LA: giadeti on on egueii iJ'.Q'\.‘J of apparatus Qii; iii~'ii..Si. averages G. '\'u ALAI shop, one is struck if-V he :‘[.;s:ii=-:~‘.s'~’v‘ Mi u-uUI—A‘u'~’x1 mhhls‘ U10 ‘L./care of goods that were in nu vi wk‘ Aw-vvvi bvu»v‘~m- A months ago. Evci‘ythiiig‘ ‘.1 i st1‘ickly up to date, and purchases froni the e.. York and I’hila<‘i<=i“iiii‘il(’l';s‘, friends in political and edu':ational circles. ii, lii‘iiii2ii1t i'il‘.‘- lioiiic ii‘: 71, . L db l}'L‘{""i‘.ll?'t‘l ai"L<\i‘ oi’ . in.-iiL'ii::. . vho was {.i‘i::§l(l('llt 0} ’7;;:i‘ii‘i:iiiy, it tlifl \ lil2l.l1§' liail the clcinents that ai‘e so intriguing' ‘to the American public.” M0 Doctor~‘‘Calf ?” Fi‘esh«-“Foui‘tcen inches.” Dr.a“Thigh 17” li‘resh«“Twenty—six inches.” Di‘.--“Neck?” Fresh—-“Oh, yes sir.”~Exch. With this theme run-‘ 'two similar fellowships established by the English Speaking Union of i Page. t Haskell formerly was on the staffs iof the Kansas City Star and The Wichita Beacon.—(AP) 0 [,3 Elected To Represent ‘Y. M. C. At Detroit The Y. M. C. A. meeting held last night at 7:30 in the “Y” room was unusually well attended. Miss Emily Penick and a sextette opened [the meeting, which was followed by a short talk by Dr. E. B. Jackson. Elections were then held for dele- gates to the Students Volunteering Quadrennial Convention. The con- vention is to be held in Detroit from vDecember 28 to January 1. Reports were made by the nine cabinet chairmen. These reports were as follows: F. W. Sherril re- ported on the results of the Financial campaign; L. L. Davidge, gave re- ports on Deputations that have gone out to churches and schools this fall; J. G. McClure, on Tuesday night meetings; R. B. Lee, on suppers which have been given in the Epis copal and Presbyterian churches; Stanley Hamilton, reported on Fresh- man club work; Chan Gordon, on Boy’s club work in Lexington; W. B. Ballard, on Boy’s work in East Lexington; A. C. Junkiii, on Socials held this fall for freshmen; J. P. Davis, on improvements in “Y” room and J. C. Claunch, on “Y” and Church co-operation. The following men were elected ired Junkin and Dick Gooch. 0 Dean Returns From Dean H. D. Campbell returned where he attended the meeting of the Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools of the South, held November 29th to December 2nd. Being a member of the executive committee, and of Institutions of Higher Education, its was necessary for him to attend. Dr. Campbell also visited University of Florida, in Gainesville, where he was the guest of Dr. C. L. Crow, of the class of ’88, and a professor of modern languages at W. and L. from 1899 to 1905. Dr. Crow is new teaching Spanish and German at Florida, being on the ,faculty there since leaving here in 1905. I to the Convention~Al Hicken, Al—§ Educational Meet 1 Monday from Jacksonville, Florida,‘ on the commission the T i * -e V T if it ' x ».-‘N0?’ ‘R i s r . ,‘’‘‘“ . W «MA Leif} Reproduced by courtesy of THE NEW YORKER. Brothers start out for vengeance Boxers Meet Virginia l,Jupe Pluvius Opens In First Match Jan. 14‘ The boxing team under able tute-il lage is fast rounding into shape forlagreeable weather prcvaile with ington the past few days, with no im- ’27 Winter Campaign Continued cold and generally dis- d in Lex- its first match of the season, lVirgiiiia, here on January 14. hledlate P1'05l)€CtS Of 3 Change for l The prospects for a championship iteam are the brightest they have seemed to resent the joke played on in Years: ahd the men are him lately by our friend “S01”, and working hard to insure a win over, on Friday night last he gave vent our bitter rivals, not forgetting that‘ . . _ l Virginia won the Southern Intercol- ‘ to his filly by lettmg loose a barrage legiate championship last year. the better in view. Old man Winter E been iof cold winds, rain, snow and sleet, Great improvement is being made, ‘ _ every day and the prosepcts Wm belall concerned. This sudden change of greatly enhanced when Fitzpatrick, temperature came as a complete sur- lBailcy, and Spotts are able to come 1 I31'iS€ t0 H1055 Of the Students, Wh0 out for the heavyweight class. Spotts l were uI1C0m1'01‘té1b1Y Warm Thurs- has his hands full at present with the‘, day and Friday nights. captaincy of the basketball team, Fe of the proverbial “Collegiate and I‘llt'Zp‘clt1‘1.Cl{. and Bailey are recov- Fhvversu were Seen in action during 1‘ering. from injuries suffered during the Weekend, and Several boys were l the iotban Season‘ lseen trying unsuccessfully to imitate ‘ At this time the following menisoine winged creature, by attempting \are showing up well in the daily“? fly‘ d0W‘h‘ Sheik <1hd 0Ve1’ very In the 115 pound c1aSS’,i‘s‘i‘ppeiy iioitioiis of. the campus. ‘Webb and Holland; 125—pound, Oster- Qaht""m E:‘ltl1‘’ { Dav“ trleq to take man; 135—pound, Captain Price, 3 3' “O49” 01 W bteps at 3 “me Sun‘ Platt, and Bldesoe; Welterweight, day_a1'°und'Fhe campus yesterday» Thompson and Schmidt; 158-poundplookmg as It had been tapped lMei'ritt and Whitehead. ;€€““Y by 3 1'1‘°1gh‘«‘ twin- 0 1J()U1€NA\LISDl TEACHERS MEET l workout: But cheer up, boys the worst is over. The weather bureau promises :a good comfortable rise in temper- lature, with few rains and plenty of Directors and teachers of more"we.31.;_ than 125 colleges and universitiesl ‘ will attend the journalism convention at the University of Iowa, Dec. 28- g3l, of the American Association of Schools and Departments of Jouriial— and the American Association of Teachers of Journalism. Dr. ‘Frank 1.. Mott, director of the Iowa ‘school, is in charge of local ar- l rangeinents. i ——€c The Chicago Daily News will give $300 in cash prizes to the football ifans who are suificiently informed to select the All—Westerii Conference team most nearly resembling the honor team selected by the Daily News sports experts. The winner of first prize will be awarded $150. 2 . 11 lSl11 \ ’é‘iWn_‘-»fl‘ ‘ I i i I l‘ i _ I I I I I 1}. I. I Look at the . REGAL REPRODUCTIONS of Exclusive English and American Custom Bootmakers’ Models All Styles All Leathers All One Price Campus Representative THE CORNER, Incorporated I n 1':--.——n_l.;f-Ag, to the misery and bewilderment of OCR::/Vol_031/WLURG39_RTP_19271207/WLURG39_RTP_19271207_005.2.txt THE RING-TUM PHI S PAGE FIVE T. B. Association issues A Vi/arning Against influenza Too much cannot be said at this i l’ _ ' 7 ' ,_ 7' O ‘A, time of yezir about the importance 3 ~ ' } " of fortifying ourselves against colds, ~‘ ' - 5;—— _ influenza and related infectious diseases. / .’ A I‘ . l f 7' ' Q: "T," " One of the best means of doing ,, -' H ,, ,.-. _, ,_'7—;'.; this is to hoop our bedroom windows - ' j, 3 ._ fir ., ',.. E ' ; open at iiiglit throughout the cold _ ., , ,, _ , I _ O‘ V, V" ' .:" .,.} v._“. r." "l‘ . "7' '. ii 7 _ weather stason. Most of us allow , S . less and less fresh air into our 9: _ , ~ " ' H ‘ 5 - ‘ homes as the thermometer falls, 1 y ” I r ‘- .-. l . ,; ' S _ (1 tllotlgh doctors tell us that there is _. . L ' " «- _ no iieed to 1'ear cold outdoor air I ‘i " ,' _ . ‘ _ Of a provided the body is kept sufficiently ' _ . , V " ' R: ,, V 7 _ it " warm. Oi course, we need more ' I ‘ ‘ l O I S _ ’ woolen blankets and quilts and they must be of light weight so as not to interfere with proper rest. _ , We all know that tuberculosis _ ., v - ~; I ’ .. ' ,. '_ ‘ ' ' ' Patients the world over are required " ‘sq? , _.., V: , Splttlefield Ties’ Mccurrach New Cree’ to sleep outdoors winter and sum— ' “ t. For mer, and hundreds of thousands of V " cases have returned to normal health under that regime. To impress 7. upon the ublic the value of fresh ' ' O (.“'l‘ . . air is one pot the chief functions of I .A ' I . Adler Gloves of Pig and Doe Skln the lvational ’.'L‘ubei'culosis Associa— . . tion, which is conducting its twen- tieth annual Christmas seal sale this —o— When Xerxes wept Ned Graham ex 42 MUSICAL ’l'l{EA1" SATURDAY Merce' Graham ex '19 Nine New Patterns in Polo Scarf: TETE great Persian ruler gazed from a hill- 1- 3 top upon iris vast army of a million men. It was the largest army that had ever existed. Miss Joanne de Nault, contralto, and i\'.L1'. ifiernard Ucko, violinist, ac- companied by Mr. Arthur Ficken- . __' - - - Schcr, pianist from Uharlottesville, fie turned away With tears In his eyes gave a _j0ll1C concert Saturday night beC3US<’3 in a hundred years all trace Of in the old high School building, 7 3 (I ' I ‘ S ., ' . r V: '1' :: _ , , would be gone. That army was a symbol of ;— ~ appreciated by a representative audi- Q“ Aflflt (‘,3 d t a G; t r 9 ence oi’ Lexington people. These ' POVVQ‘-’ "“"° ru""1Ve an r n“"‘en ' c artists are on tour from the head- ,. ,; ,, __ ,, ' ' - - 4. qmms of the National Music S Today in one jriachine, now being built in the A _ League, which has a local chapter » _. General E—:«1lBC.I‘1C shops, there ‘IS combined _ The Maln Street Rendezvous 1‘; me, “$51? Djivaltment of W118 T1. 1 t t the rriuseuiar energy of two inirlion men. This , = oman S 11!). W0 more recita S i ii C.(i'.X1'lOt 1 S earn ul'- ° ' ' ,. are commg in Jammy and February Lifngogoiij g;('11;$ta1ttCa1'2:(§iOty great machine, a steam turbine, 1S also a For Students . o , .1 i a s ,- , ~ _ ~ or next year. 000 home powg) Wm be S} rnbor of povver—a new power that is con . . _m.0__.____ installed in the new station structure and pefnqanent : of the State Line Generat- ' ing Company near Chicago. Letters To The What a striking contrast Its unprecedented size, a record in construc— : Drinks, Drugs. Cigars, Cigarettes, Sandwiches. Candies. , , ifgmfiii ‘§;Z“‘£;%1%Z$i§a§; tion of such machines, is apledge to the people — Magazines’, Newspapers Editor *j§14e,Zdg‘;§°§:n§tpS°P;;arf§s that the electrical industry is on the march, ’ H '- vacuum cleaners, and many ever on the alert to supply plenty of electricity 4 l ' ‘,§f§§§Z13Zi§f‘e“°ra E1e°t"° at a low cost to all. To the Gray Phantom»—a university nuisance, campus abomination, , ,_,__ I I ' .k _ ‘ ~ *3 i x 17:gP@E Football Scores Received wire and pest oi’ the Ring—tum Phi: ‘ Results on Bulletin Board l£:ll!<1ll!|ll!_|i!|l|l!2=Al(_f?l_[ll!Ill!!!flllhgfimlflllflfllli lInm|_I,||_I[| illllilllllllllmilfgfllllflllllill!i~Vl'?‘!}§ Any person whose standards and ' pa‘ ‘c " ’ ‘ 't "° ". .. . .. . ... .. L“i:’:1‘t0*'3 c:‘:1:;cttha‘Su‘f:y d _ r.-3|lII|_lll_Lfi&.Mjl£M !&||flIl|fl Ml1@flll|llllllfiléflflfllllllllllfléi__ 5: E: l. is l 1;:.\1r.- 1 bunk as is contained in the regular issue of our campus publication ShiilfirbEo§f”i3i§iyrii??oTf“.ZZ‘ir is the C E N T R A L 5}; TOLLEY’S TOGGERY ': RAPP MoTo"'R‘ COMPANY purpose of this Phantom? I am FOR SNAPPY CLOTHES PHONE 532 Night and Day Service willing‘ to admit that he unearths some juicy bits of scandal—some of ‘ , THE GOODMAN & SUSS ' General Garage Se-rViC°'—St°r3g9 which incidentally, are more than ‘ ‘ defiling and derogatory of members “23 POINTS HAND TAILORED SUITS & TOP COATS f thi "’a* lty. ' O Pioiyllblrlig must this evanescent SHOES——VVALK-OVER & NUNN BUSH, 1 personage insist on broadcasting M , V 1 9 Such “news” (1,) as Should, through d f HALE:-——'lHE CROFUT & KNAPP & BERG S ordinary consideration, be excluded 1]] 3 O ' ‘ from the columns of any publication? I SHIRTS'—Elu0RY & IDE I believe, Mr. Editor, that other SANDWICHES ’ members of our student body will d agree with me in my attitude as an take“ SOFT DRINKS (Signed) DROP IN AND LET US FIT YOU UP THE PURPLE PHANTOM. Prompt and Courteous Sel" _, VICTOR and COLUMBIA AGENTS Sole Distributors for W. & L. Swing Fada Radios-—Loud Speakers " "|l|ll|l|I|l||ll' O‘ A new shipment of Walk—Over just arrived ROCKBRIDGE NATIONAL BANK vice at all Times A O . . **°—"— = f . Resources over a Million and Half Dollar: Editor Ring-tum Phi: A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE .. B‘ C‘ i i The College Manss M. President. .V A. P. Cllblflfu ‘ . A , V H 1 PH NE 164 L N Since the death of the Southern In Central Hotel Building 0 NE S0_ STREET Collegian” some years ago, the ' need for a serious literary maga- N. Main St. Lexington, Va. 3 ‘ i. “ E .9:-:llI';.-_III: ‘.!!Imm!IlI!'| :ii:viI|iis..a...f'. 2 zine at Washington and Lee has ' been keenly felt. As it is believed ' T l THE NEW and LYRIC THEATRES the school to warrant the publication ’ _ of such a magazine, it has been MYERS HAII1§:i“’ARE CO. r decided that such a venture should Established Incorporued be made, and it can be made an 1865 1907 LEXINGTON, VA H assured success if enough people . ., ~ -, . .‘ - . CUTLERY—RAZORS - .' =' RALPH 1- DAVE-3. Hunter K:-Z iii 1:lt§i:5ihC:irl1‘i§r:1r-1:51?iiiitfiil GUNS » THE BANK on SERVICE—STUDENTS WELCOME , . To get some me, as to how nlany‘ . E H p H H T _, Matinee Daily 3:00 Evening 7:30 & 8:00 people desire to see such a magazine‘ '-’ published it is requested that all: those who have any contributions of} & CO‘! Inc’ ‘ CODIPLILVIENTS OF ‘ J A C K. S 0 N ’ S a serious literary nature they would‘ Everything In The Barbe!‘ Shop with 3 care to have published send them to, DRY GOODS & GROCERIES ROCKBRIDGE Conscience box 510. This includes short stories,‘ Specialists In is OPPOSITE NEW THEATRE drama, poetry, book reviews, essays,: QUALITY, SERVICE & PRICE PHONE 185 l NELSON STREET DODGE BROTHERS AUTOMOBILES criticism and any other such artic1es.[ , 1863 Nufl Said 1927 It is also requested that all those! STORAGE who are interested and who Willi submit contributions later on send‘: their names to the same box. Thisli McCoy’; Three Stores “ Palace Barber uiit ' t 1' 'ted to t d ts,, i . ;:iic‘Lo§nti‘1iSl;ulo1i(())ns1;ibii1aluini:i,uf:1:ul—l FRUITS, CANDIES BARBER SHOP , rust class service in a Sammy ty, or any outsiders who may bei‘ CAKES Opposite ‘5 W3’ interested in such a venture will beg 11 Tm T Eat Rockbridge National Bank 5 Located in gladly 1‘ec°iV°d- 1 A“ A G“°d "35 ° HUGH A. WILLIAMS, Prop. ROBERT E. LEE HOTEL The wishes of the author will be! respected as regards the publication! of names, as articles will be re-E ‘ ‘ , ceived signed with a nom de plumef‘ J W. Zilnrnerrnan IT PAYS To LOOK ‘VBLL or even unsigned. It is desired to ' Sanitation The LIV get as much copy as possible on: LEXINGTON’ VA‘ _, We Solicit Your Patronage ‘, Service The Idea hand" before Christmas or immedi-i, ‘ M°d°"3 Cmviemu ately thereafter, so a prompt re~l Graduate Optician ‘ Welsh & Hutton , Expert 3509 Clelmilll Ind Dying. ‘ V PHONE I89 “WE CAN KEEP U NEAT” smmrs - F0X’5 DRYCLEANING Expgcrs 35 ’N..‘Jerrerso“ in “ifisé. O’ sponse will be appreciated. ' Registered Optometrist Phones 192 and 144 ; Walter’: Barber Phone 514 (Signed) INTERESTED. ‘ OCR::/Vol_031/WLURG39_RTP_19271207/WLURG39_RTP_19271207_006.2.txt PAGE SIX THE RING-TUM PHI AN EVENT FR THRILLS, FOR VARIETY, Low You owe it to yourself to dress Wei & eed L \.’ ' Q . . SALE PRICES, FOR QUALITY MERCHANISE wm PROVE A REAL SENSATION Society Brand Overcoats $45 36.75 VALUES NOW EVERY ONE UP TO THE MINUTE IN STYLE, PATTERN AND FABRIC Society Brand SUITS $40 27.75 VALUES NOW ALL NEW MODELS and NEW PATTERNS IN CASSIMERS AND WORSTED Society Brand VALUES UP TO HERE’S WHERE OUR FINEST CLOTHING GOES AT A SUITS 4275 2- FLORSHEIM SHOES (5u€)f5 AND 8.85 STYLES AND LEATHER TO SELECT FROM COLD BLOODED FACTS For more than 12 years I have been in my present room, but recently received notice that the owners are contemplating the erection of a modern business Room on this location. Shortly after the New Year I am compelled to seek Friday AT 9. A. M. RAYON SILK HOSE llc Come on Boys there yours while they last at this price. Limit 2 pair to a customer. ‘ « AT 9. A. M. ONLY (Get a coupon at the door) a new room and I have by far too mu ch stock to move conveniently into any of the rooms now under consideration. So beginning Wednesday, Dec. 7th I will inaugurate the MOST DRASTIC PRICE SLASHING Clothing Sale that it has ever been the good fortune of the people of this part of Virginia to participate in. Giving values that will astonish the people when they enter my store, Wednesday, Dec. 7th. Prices that will convince you beyond a doubt that here are values for your choosing, the like of which you never enjoyed before. Shirts $2.25 Values in White Collar‘ Attached $1.89 NECKWEAR VALUES IN NEW M. MEEKS exin ogton, Virginia ON THE MAIN DRAG AT THE YELLOW SIGNS PATTERNS AND SILKS—NOW J. L $1