OCR::/Vol_108/WLURG39_RTP_20060130/WLURG39_RTP_20060130_001.2.txt i l l Q I WC. 5312.755 R55; V;/oz n. 2 WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY THE RINCi=TUM PHI. MONDAY, JAN. 30, 2006 BY THE STUDENTS AND FOR THE STUDENTS SINCE 1897 ./2? 3. VOLUME Of‘X',“ NUMBER v1“3_ nside Cell block celebrities News editor Jacob Geiger reports on.a wide variety of crimes and arrests on page 2. Super Sunday Need recipies? Party tips? Want to impress your boyfriend by ex- plaining those bizarre hand signals that the man in a zebra shirt doing? Football fans and neo- phytes alike can find all the information they need on by checking our our Super Bowl Coverage on pages 4 and 5. LipSynch lowdown Having trouble remem- bering exactly which song your friends danced to on stage this weekend? Hoping to see some pic- tures of the festivities? Check out page 6 for full coverage of SARAH’s annual fundraiser. ticket Srebrenica rememberance Ten years. after the United Nations abandoned the town of Srebrenica to Serbian’ murder squads, the W&L community re- members the atrocity with‘ an exhibit in Leybuin Li- brary. On Tuesday, Janu- ‘ any 3 1 st and Tuesday, February 7th documenta- ries about the tragedy will be shown in the library’s Northen auditorium. The first film shown will be “Srebrenica: A Cry from the Grave,” and the sec- ond will be “Calling the Ghosts: A Story of Rape, Women, and War.” Both films begin at 7pm. corrections Last week’s article, “Why Dr. Comel West matters,” incorrectly quoted Harvard Presi- dent Larry Summers, who did not say “there are ‘issues of intrinsic aptitude’ separating men and women.” Summers actually said there is a “different availability of aptitude at the high end” of science professions. Administration considers serious alterations to W&L residential life Despite student indifference to W&L’s new Strategic Plan initiatives, serious changes to the university’s housing situation could be coming soon. While many of the proposals may not be adopted, several have the potential to radically alter housing both on campus and off. By Melissa Caron STAFF WRITER Much talk in recent months has evolved around the proposed Strategic Plan, a series of proposals that look to change or rework various facets of the school’s community. One area of considerable interest involves the recommended changes to student housing that the plan covers. “It is safe to say that there has been a strong interest to improve housing,” said Joseph Grasso, Vice President of Administration. Grasso served as campus chair for the Capital and Space Planning Task Force, which was one of the several groups responsible for compiling a report of suggestions for the plan. Grasso points out that the most recent major renovation to have taken place was in 1987 and involved the construction of Gaines Hall. While smaller projects have taken place in the years since, he notes that the next generation of projects will probably be much larger in scale. “The nature of the next renovation will focus on such things as air conditioning and common spaces for students,” Grasso said. “Both of those will require significant structural changes.” Provost Thomas Williams, co- chair of the Consolidation Committee, which is responsible for going over and compiling a final plan from the suggestions that came out of the different task forces, points out that much of what is proposed for residential life involves improving the condition of existing buildings. “I don’t believe we have any serious safety concerns,” Williams said. “But modern buildings are safer.” The administration hopes that by improving residential life, Washington and Lee will be at a better competitive level with other schools when it comes to attracting the best and brightest students to the campus. Similarly, as Williams points out, modern buildings will be more energy efficient, something very important to consider with rising fuel prices. Greeks review plans While it is hard to argue that the dorms are not in need of renovation, other elements of the plan have proven to be more controversial. “In general I liked a lot of the ideas, but felt that sometimes they were trying to move the school in the direction of other schools and address issues they had,” junior Nadia Prinz said. “Students on the committee seemed to be more concerned with the preservation of the W&L identity.” Prinz served on the Greek Strategic Plan Review Committee, a student run group that was called together to read and discuss the’ strategic plan and _ SEE ‘DEBATE’ ON PAGE 2 Proposed changes -Repairing or rebuilding current residential buildings - Modernizing buildings with such things as air . conditioning and elevators -Construction of student commons within building -Development of residential learning communities 0 Encouraging upperclassmen to live in Greek housing. OCR::/Vol_108/WLURG39_RTP_20060130/WLURG39_RTP_20060130_002.2.txt t-was G. l.I:‘r’BUF£“~l um wxsmworon 8. LEE um/Ensn , :.re>" ,:« ii” .. . i$'I:§.2 so 39 1.. ...,.,.... llJridgo- Couzntyr Appetizers, Oven Baked Dishes, Se-athod, Riheye, 11cm - Ilpm I i$iar 3 1: E ;_ oh‘ my 3 on ‘ 09' W1? , order of order of ', fifder of s 2 see or ,2: 33.3.3??? or i 5 ¥ ease or more mom. miW%%~ §:.“..:s%:;:::“s1.oe ,2‘ we W“-Wm as Chicken ilishes, Pasta Eiishes with our Famous Marinara Sauce or Alfredo Sauce, Pizzas, Subs Only 6 miles east of Lexington i ' emejmswaaa-to H ' : l zmmtg :§§s:::&M’9xoz:_ V ' w.wu-wm mnmw «wan.» ups downs Caley Anderson gives his take on this week’s issues. 0 New housing plan. The current system works perfectly well, and the money can be better spent elsewhere. There’s nothing wrong with Gaines and Woods Creek, or alternately, the Greek Houses. 0 Lip Synch. Why this thing endures, I have no idea. I know there are groups that work hard to put on a good, entertaining show, but like the last Mock Con parade, some groups are . just there to embarrass them- selves. More so than usual this year, I hear. 0 Super Bowl XL. Seahawks have never even BEEN to a Super Bowl be- fore, and this might be Pitts- burgh RB Jerome Bettis’ last chance for a ring. On the downside, I can’t help but notice the marked absence of the San Diego Chargers. 0 Tear night at other colleges. Show me another school where PROFESSORS go to tear night. 0 Wrestling. Congrats on the solid finish in Newport News. 0 Girls’ Basketball. Special handclap for Louisa Feve, who pulled a total Kobe Bryant on the Mary Baldwin Fighting Squirrels. Don’t laugh, either— squirrels are DANGEROUS in packs, for those of you who haven’t seen Charlie and the Chocolate Factory yet. it’s rare that four years will " f I pass without incident. What. , I if one of. your new pledge, I brothers had gotten arrestedr 5: ~ tear night? What if one of- the older guys in your new; fraternity had gotten a DUI?‘ Would you beso quicirto splash ’ a few flippant _ . phrases about them across the second page? IOur5nal~. ii I ism is about more than just doubt in my mind that yon"d be ernharrassed to sit ‘down A and share‘.‘Behind;l3ars’ ‘ . with any professor in Reid . L . In your ‘article you I : that Washington and Lee is 3“i’130S‘ed to be a school for ‘— '5 * I- that every undergradgyou exposed, and especially the ' : law student, is a-smart :2 or women. They wouldn’t7 have been accepted others I . wise. However, W&Li‘is..g3 also supposed to be aschool r ‘ for gentIeme1_1.'Your article‘ “ tion. In the hope _ you’1i spend your time our} 3: :: more articles like those on spouting Judge Iacob’s. ' brand of freshnien,f:rstiga_-..__,: V Andrew Ferguson _ .. Class of, 20,077, . M. I“ _. —::——— WASHINGTON AND LEE Umvrssmr THE RING-TUM PHI. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF NEWS SPORTS OPINIONS ARTS&L|FE COPY EDITOR EDITOR EDITOR EDITOR EDITOR CONTRIBUTING WRITERS DESIGN DIRECTOR PHOTOGRAPHERS WEBMASTER BUSINESS MANAGER 7'haI-ling-rumPnlIsr “ duringtha Lee University. Lexington, Virginia. The Ring-rum Phi is a member cl The Media Board, which can be reached at medlaboardfiwluodu, but Is oIherw'se Independent fire Hing-tum Phi welcomes all letters. " " to phI0w1u.sdu or In the University Center mailbox by 5 pm. Frldayioappearlnthefoiltmhgweelfsecidon. Theflhg-lumPhIreservesme righttcedit subrnbsions for content and length. Letters do not necessarily reflect the opinion oi The Hing-tum PhiEdItorIaIBoard. Advertlslngdoesnoileilncuheopinions of Thefilng-!umPhiorItsaaI‘I. This newspaper observes current court defnmons at libel and obscenity. Alisubmlsslonsmuslbe The F7Ing—rum Phl University Commons Room. 341 Washington and Lee University Lexington, Virginia 24450 Telephone: (540) 458-4060 Fax: (540) 458-4059 Email: phl@wIu.edu Subscription rate $40 KATHERINE GREENE JACOB GEIGER AMANDA THOLKE TIM LIVINGSTON KATHRYN KRALL DAN HARRIS MELISSA CARON JACOB GEIGER THOMAS GIFT KATHRYN KRALL TIM LIVINGSTON JESSICA SHAW AMANDA THOLKE ALLIE WALKER ELLIOTT WALKER EMILY HULEN MALLORY FREWER MORGAN HARRIS AMANDA THOLKE ROB ARMSTRONG DAVID SEIFERT school year at , and I I I I I OCR::/Vol_108/WLURG39_RTP_20060130/WLURG39_RTP_20060130_008.2.txt 8 ° THE RING-TUM PHI MONDAY, JANUARY 30, 2006 tedr . is‘ ? A:§;£A‘aAn‘dA aawsaa _ Mm su£sa"fwm1',sas .,'i‘l>.-> For more information about the position czmtact Dr. Mimi E~lrod at 458-8727. 4;...,‘q,,,_ . ‘ . _ The deadline for turning in -,-.;g.».-' '. ’.-'¢«>.x<«.«.»'s/»‘4<« 322-_:-\' .. :-..-: applications lfobruary 21, 2006, .»;-.:;.o.,, ‘ . -.-. -.«s<.'-. .-