Goodwin interview [Begin Tape 2, Side 2] Goodwin: I missed Fancy Dress my freshman year. I had an opportunity to go home when my exam schedule fell, so it was about a week or ten days, so I missed that. But my sophomore year, I remember vividly. The theme was the return of Essex to the court of Queen Elizabeth, and the costumes, of course, depicted the Elizabethan era. I remember Bob Nicholson was in the role of William Shakespeare and various other notables of the time. I was standing on the balcony. I didn't have a date. The figure comes in, and the favors for the ball were in the treasure chest, which pages are bringing behind Essex, and the pages deliver the treasure chest and open it. And then suddenly, behind the pages and the treasure chest comes this man in a professor's gown, a black gown, who looked exactly like Groucho Marx, the cigar, mustache, eyebrows, and it was one of my fraternity brothers, Cal Shook . He comes down with a menacing step, bows to the queen, and goes off, and Annie Jo White damn near died. But that was a memorable Fancy Dress figure. 37 Warren: I dare say. Now, you actually knew Annie Jo White? Goodwin: I think I did. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Ms. Desha. Ms. Desha sort of took over from Annie Jo White. Warren: Was Annie Jo White still alive at that point? Goodwin: I don't think she was, though I won't swear to it. Warren: I think she'd retired by then, but she lived a good while after she retired. But I'm sure she never missed a Fancy Dress. Goodwin: No. I'll just have to look it up. I can't remember her era, exactly. But it seemed to me that she did come to some Fancy Dresses when I was there, but I could be wrong. Warren: I don't doubt it. She lived quite a long while. Goodwin: I apologize for my memory. I'll be eighty years old next year. Warren: She lived quite a long time, so she may very well have been there. I should get her dates in my head. Okay. [End of Interview] 38