Lord interview [Begin Tape 2, Side 1] Warren: This is Mame Warren. This is tape two, with Norm Lord, on the 16th of April 1996, in Newark, Delaware. Lord: Okay, let's go. Rah rah. Warren: You're in charge, Norm. Lord: Okay. Well, I didn't tell you enough about my job when I was stolen away from University of Delaware and the United States Army to work without a contract at Washington and Lee University for forty-three years, without missing a day or being late once. I had the best boss in the world-Cy Twombly. He never once told me what to do and he never once told me what not to do. He and I were the whole staff of the Department of Health and Physical Education. The athletic department, intercollegiate athletics, was a separate department. Now, a part of the Department of Health and Physical Education was an adjunct department called Department of Intramurals, and that was play among the students. Not in class, but between fraternities and between teams, at a scheduled time and place, outside of class. So having a wonderful experience in the armed forces of body-building and games and body skills and fun and fitness and friendship, which I stole and used for forty-three years, I was never told what to do. So my boss, Cy Twombly, knowing that I couldn't handle seventy-five people-and that's when the classes were 35 large-we had four classes a day, at 9:20, 10:15, 11:10, and 12:05, and we had them Monday, Wednesday, Friday, at those times, and then we had them at 9:20, 10:15, 11:10, and 12:05, on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. We had a rule that you could only miss, in those days, the early days of my career, you could only miss three classes. And if you missed three classes, you had to make the fourth class up. So I had that rule, and we went by it. I had a program of instruction, which was written out and which was given to every student in my class. Now, when I say "my" class, it was really "our" class-Cy Twombly and Norm Lord. Cy Twombly had section A, group A, and Norm Lord had group B. I was only concerned with group B, until I got group A. Once I gave group A to Coach Twombly and I took Coach Twombly's class, they had become Lord's, and I gave them a program of instruction, listing what they did on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, for every date in the semester. My objective was simple: you must sweat during the period, during the class, which lasted only forty minutes, because we had to give them a chance to take a shower. We had to give them a chance to get dressed to come out to class, a chance to take a shower when they left the class, then go to their academic class. So my thirty-five minutes was not much time, but I took every second of it, and I gave them fun, fitness, and friendship. When they left me, I had them run by me. If I couldn't see them visibly sweating, I had them go by, and I would give them my thumb sweat test. I would streak my thumb across their forehead, and if it wasn't wet, they had to stay, and be late to their academic class. So they knew