Camp Stonewall Brig May 2nd [1864] We have gotten back again from picket. The morning before we started Elihu came to camp and told me that there was a box at Orange for me. I sent up and got it and it kept me on plenty rations whilst on picket. I could not have gotten it at a more acceptable time as rations are generally short whilst on picket. Most of the troops have been ordered to the front and we are expecting a fight daily. Our brigade has orders to hold itself in readiness to move at a minute's notice. But those orders are unnecessary as we are like terrapins and have only to move off but at a quicker pace. It is generally thought that Grant with his boastful crew will endeavor to flank our works by Madison, but he will find that we have a Longstreet there. I have no time to write more as the mail leaves soon. Elihu is still with us and I expect will be for some time as I will try to keep him, thinking that it is the best place for him. Good bye A.T.B.