Now showing items 954-973 of 1388

    • The President's Other Half: Power, Politics, and America's First Ladies (thesis) 

      Maloney, Morgan VanGilder
      While traditional scholarly literature has neglected the office, the First Lady has tremendous power and plays a pivotal role during her husband's administration. In the public/private and masculine/feminine dualities, ...
    • The Presidential Election of 1932 

      Davis, Richard A.
      While with the keen eyes of twenty-twenty hindsight, later analysts were able to see in Roooevelt' s adresses many indications of later developments, the public was by no means equally aware of what was in store for them ...
    • The Presidential Nominations of 1940 

      Cole, Madison Filmore, Jr.
      The presidential nominations of 1940 exemplify the actions and reactions of the political campaign to World War II. The cataclysmic events in Europe influenced greatly the other issues, such as the third term and the unusual ...
    • [The Press and Media Coverage of Poverty] 

      Coolidge, Georgina
      This paper aims out to examine the coverage of poverty by three mid-sized, daily newspapers across the country – The St. Paul (MN) Pioneer Press, The Memphis (TN) Commercial Appeal, and The Louisville (KY) Courier-Journal. ...
    • Price Dispersion and the Effectiveness of Integration Efforts 

      Albert, Aaron Paul
      Using a specifically developed measure I find evidence that NAFT A, MERCOSUR, and EU membership are significantly correlated with decreased price dispersion. This suggests that these agreements have increased market ...
    • Primary Care's Code Blue: Can Basic Patient Care Be Revitalized? 

      Gose, Leah E.
      Part One of this paper will identify what it means exactly to access primary care in the ER, the people who access such care, and why they access primary care in the ER. I argue that those who access primary/ambulatory ...
    • The Privatization of Social Service Programs 

      Collins, Milton R.
      The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PWRORA) represented a major shift in the national welfare system. It allows states the option of providing welfare-related services to the ...
    • The Problem of Arbitrariness in American Jurisprudence 

      Green, Gary Hugh
      The debate over how to interpret the United States Constitution continues to be the most controversial one in the area of constitutional law. In recent years, with the rise of the New Right and its so-called original intent ...
    • The Problem of Hell for Christians 

      Aspatore, Amanda Elizabeth
      At one point or another, almost every human being has considered and questioned the possibility of the existence of some sort of higher being and of an afterlife. The Christian faith teaches that there exists such a being, ...
    • The Problem with PrEP: Intersectional Stigma and Modern HIV Prevention in the United States 

      D'Ostroph, Bryan
      Even though the literature published on PrEP [Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis] is still relatively new, there has already been a lack of coherence between studies to understand which social mechanisms and individual factors ...
    • Problems of International Broadcasting by the American Government 

      Flippen, Charles Chastine
      The purpose of this paper is to present an objective evaluation of the work of the Voice of America. Much has been written from a biased standpoint -- little that is objective. Indeed, it was an editorial bitterly attacking ...
    • Problems with Education Educational Reform in the Dominican Republic 

      Andrews, Grace
      An in-depth look at the issues plaguing the educational system within the Dominican Republic. The paper focuses on primary and secondary education with an emphasis in both the problems and reforms of currently in place.
    • Procedural Generation of Metroidvania Style Levels (thesis) 

      Stalnaker, Trevor Wayne
      Video game maps can become dull with repeated play-throughs and handcrafting a variety of maps can be a tedious and time consuming process. This is especially true for games of the Metroidvania genre, games which focus on ...
    • Production Control 

      Grindy, Hugh Dana
      Production control is that technique employed in manufacturing whereby the production facilities of a plant are coordinated through the advanced planning, routing, scheduling, dispatching, and follow-up of each individual ...
    • Prohibido Olvidar 

      Siso, Andrea V.
      Writing creatively about identity construction through political displacement
    • A Project for the Development of the Woods Creek Ravine, Washington and Lee University Campus, Lexington, Virginia 

      Cook, DeWitt Barker; Mosch, John Theodore
      The plan under consideration of the authors is one to investigate and show the feasibility of developing a natural resource, of the oampus. Advantages presented by such a development are distinctly three-fold in nature: ...
    • The "Projective" Unconscious: Charles Olson and Carl Jung 

      Flood, Christine Elizabeth
      Charles Olson ( 1910-1970), writing the bulk of his most influential works in the late forties through mid sixties, is an American poet who gained fame as a teacher in the Black Mountain College, a successor of Ezra Pound, ...
    • The Proletarian Novel in America, 1900-1940 

      Hummers, Herbert Jackson
      In this thesis I have tried to give what I think is an accurate picture of the proletarian novel. I have tried to trace the origins, motives and developments of this form in the years from 1900 to 1940. It has been necessary ...
    • The Prosperity Gospel and the Plight of the Poor: Considering increased financial accountability for tax exempt churches 

      Murphy, Jonathan A.
      This paper seeks to examine the tax exempt status of churches, their lack of accountability, and the potential for abuse that exists as a consequence. It seeks to answer whether, on the basis of the public policy goals ...