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dc.rights.licenseIn Copyright - Educational Use Permitteden_US
dc.creatorWLU History Department
dc.descriptionThere are two files -- a PDF and a text file. Both are transcripts of one interview. Forty interviews were conducted as part of this survey.en_US
dc.descriptionThis is a transcription of one of a series of interviews conducted in 1997 by the History Department. Each interview was conducted by Jennifer Ashworth, the department's administrative assistant. She started each interview with the following statement: " Please let me thank you again for taking the time to be here. Before we begin, I want to give you some background information on this survey. The Institutional Effectiveness Committee was created to examine whether the University is fulfilling its mission. The Committee conducts surveys of various populations, seeking feedback about how those people experience this university. This particular survey addresses the experiences of black students at W &L. In order for the results to be useful, we need your frank and complete responses to these questions. To support your freedom to be completely honest, we take careful steps to protect your anonymity. I will transcribe this conversation, but there will be no mark on the transcription, or elsewhere, that would identify you as the speaker. I know who you are, but I pledge never to reveal your connection to your responses. Professor McAhren will use the transcripts to generate a report. That report will go to administrators and faculty and be available to others in the Library. The report will contribute to the shaping of programs and policies as the University enters the 21st century. This, then, is an important opportunity for you to make a difference in how W &L develops. We appreciate very much your time and your honesty."en_US
dc.format.extent23 pagesen_US
dc.rightsThis material is made available for use in research, teaching, and private study, pursuant to U.S. Copyright law. The user assumes full responsibility for any use of the materials, including but not limited to, infringement of copyright and publication rights of reproduced materials. Any materials used should be fully credited with the source. Permission for publication of this material, in part or in full, must be secured with the Head of Special Collections and Archives.en_US
dc.titleInterview of Black Students Enrolled at Washington and Lee, #8, 1997en_US
dcterms.isPartOfWLU RG0009 - Departments and Programsen_US
dc.rights.holderWashington and Lee University
dc.subject.fastRace relationsen_US
dc.subject.fastRace discriminationen_US
dc.subject.fastCollege studentsen_US
dc.subject.fastGreek letter societiesen_US
dc.subject.fastTeacher-student relationshipsen_US

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