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dc.rights.licenseIn Copyrighten_US
dc.creatorDjalaliev, Peter Liudmilov
dc.description.abstractBillions of messages are transmitted across the Internet each day and most of these use the Internet Protocol (IP) to route packets to specific destinations based upon an IP address. While these packets contain both source and destination addresses, the protocol provides no means to verify the authenticity of the source. Therefore, packets can be sent with intentionally altered source addresses, known as spoofing, which in most cases is done for malicious purposes. IP spoofing is an integral part of various distributed denial-of-service attacks. Today, a number of methods of detecting spoofed IP packets have been studied in order to limit possible damage. These detection methods are classified as router-based and host-based, depending upon the site of implementation. Host-based detection methods are of particular interest because they can be implemented locally irregardless of the Internet service providers. The current research on host-based methods provides a number of possible solutions. However, there is insufficient data related to their efficacy. We evaluate the performance of the well known host-based spoofing detection methods under various circumstances and explore the ability of these methods to complement one another in order to improve their efficiency.en_US
dc.format.extent52 pagesen_US
dc.rightsThis material is made available for use in research, teaching, and private study, pursuant to U.S. Copyright law. The user assumes full responsibility for any use of the materials, including but not limited to, infringement of copyright and publication rights of reproduced materials. Any materials used should be fully credited with the source.en_US
dc.subject.otherWashington and Lee University -- Honors in Computer Scienceen_US
dc.titleEvaluating Host-Based Methods for Detecting Spoofed IP Packetsen_US
dcterms.isPartOfWLURG038 - Student Papersen_US
dc.rights.holderDjalaliev, Peter Liudmiloven_US
dc.subject.fastTCP/IP (Computer network protocol) -- Security measuresen_US
dc.subject.fastInternet -- Security measuresen_US
dc.subject.fastComputer networks -- Security measuresen_US
local.departmentComputer Scienceen_US

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