Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Cost and Construction of Macadam Roads 

      Alder, Albert Garland
      This thesis with intention of making the construction and cost more comprehensable to the public at large will be divided into three parts: first, principal knowledge and facts required to undertake the work: second, ...
    • Highway Construction 

      Douglass, John Moore
      Up until a few years ago roads were built solely to stand the wear and tear of carriages, wagons and heavily loaded drays but now a new question has arisen. Which road will best stand the automobile, running at a high speed ...
    • An Investigation of Relationships Between Standard Physical Texts for a Series of Trinidad and Bermudez Lake Asphaltic Materials 

      Dunn, Melville Irvine, Jr.; Sturm, J. R.
      This investigation was made in an attempt to determine the existance of possible relations between the results of the standard tests of a physical nature proformed upon native asphaltic materials used in highway construction. ...
    • Treatise on Highway Construction and Maintenance 

      Hutcheson, Robert Steele
      In this discussion I shall endeavor to discuss the problem of highway construction in a general way, but especially the construction of a modern highway in a country which has a natural deposit of gray limestone such as ...